Typical Day of work


Registered Users (C)
I got an RFE some time back and USCIS specifically requests a letter from the company asking for the following...

What would be the typcial day of work for the person ...

Anyone has got any formatted letter (samples) that I can use of...

something like....

8:00 am Arrive at work location (either client site or company offices, depending on projects)

8:00 to 8:30 Review emails and other correspondence

8:30 to 11:30 Develop applications (i.e., programming in Java, ASP)

Any help is appreciated...
LOL! :) This is a first. I guess they are looking for an EVL, so take the typical EVL and couch it so it is more day oriented as compared to broader job description. Please post a final draft here for the next person with the same question.
140_takes_4ever said:
LOL! :) This is a first. I guess they are looking for an EVL, so take the typical EVL and couch it so it is more day oriented as compared to broader job description. Please post a final draft here for the next person with the same question.

This is funny !!
Wouldn't you also want to add spending 2 hrs reading posts on immigrationportal.com ???

just kidding
use this format...

8:00AM - Check USCIS site for case status
9:00AM - log on to immigrationportal.com
10:00AM - have coffee curse INS with other desi colleagues
11:00AM - Pretend to do some office stuff and post messages on immigrationportal.com

Noon: Lunch

1:00PM- Check USCIS site for case status
2:00PM TO 5:00PM - Do some stuff and post messages on immigrationportal.com

aswamina said:
I got an RFE some time back and USCIS specifically requests a letter from the company asking for the following...

What would be the typcial day of work for the person ...

Anyone has got any formatted letter (samples) that I can use of...

something like....

8:00 am Arrive at work location (either client site or company offices, depending on projects)

8:00 to 8:30 Review emails and other correspondence

8:30 to 11:30 Develop applications (i.e., programming in Java, ASP)

Any help is appreciated...
Well, sorry I donot have an exact answer to your question. But talk to your lawyer and make a letter that states that you are using the skills exactly as described in LC.

Just curious! What industry are you in? Are you EB 485 ?

EB3... Well attorneys were the ones who requested the letter be drafted like this... I have an EVL but they need something like this too...
Give both a EVL and a list of typical day work spread sheet to make sure they got what they asked for and no excuse to deny.

Good luck,

aswamina said:

EB3... Well attorneys were the ones who requested the letter be drafted like this... I have an EVL but they need something like this too...
aswamina said:
I got an RFE some time back and USCIS specifically requests a letter from the company asking for the following...

What would be the typcial day of work for the person ...

Anyone has got any formatted letter (samples) that I can use of...

I don't think you have to provide time-line for everyday works.This is my guess: your manager/HR has to provide your job description (be careful, it must conform with the LC job description).