Two homes permissible?


Registered Users (C)

as a permanent resident, is it permissible to live both in the US and overseas?

Eg what if one has a house in the US and one overseas, and spends say 190 days a year in the US and the rest of the time overseas, in say 2-4 week blocks (i.e. very frequent entering & leaving the US).

Am I correct that such a lifestyle would NOT jeopardize the green card or a later naturalization?


as a permanent resident, is it permissible to live both in the US and overseas?

Eg what if one has a house in the US and one overseas, and spends say 190 days a year in the US and the rest of the time overseas, in say 2-4 week blocks (i.e. very frequent entering & leaving the US).

Am I correct that such a lifestyle would NOT jeopardize the green card or a later naturalization?


If you keep this pattern with, as you mentioned, more than 6 months per year in US and have your job in US and file taxes, then no adverse effects on your card and future naturalization.