Two Approval Notices


Registered Users (C)
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Interesting things has happened with me guys, I already got one approval notice in mail, I went to INS and got stamped. After couple of days ( 2 days), I have again received a approval notice. I am baffeled right now, what to do???
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Two Approval notice??

Same here i also recived two approval notices with same Recipt Date but different Notice date??? Difference of 2 days?

I have recieved one with ND 07/16, I found the approval in mail on 07/21 eventually website and phone system was updated on 7/21 after I got approval in mail. I got stamped on 07/18 and then again I got one approval with ND 7/21 , this is the date when website status was updated.

I don't know what to do with this??
Oh, please! Don't complain :) :) Some people can't get even one of those things and you've got two! Wish to share?
Yeah, dont worry about the 2 approval notices. I got them too, and confirmed from BCIS as well as my lawyers that you can ignore the 2nd notice.

Basically when you went to get your passport stamped, you signed and fingerprinted a form. That form along with your ADIT pictures went back to BCIS and someone updated the system with the receipt of these materials. Now due to some strange action, the system ended up sending another approval note to you.

So bottomline is, dont worry...keep the second approval notice as a waited pretty long for it :)
Look how life treats people differently -- You guys got two approval letters while others (myself included) wouldn't get even one!! And yet you are complaining... :) :) :)
Its silly really...this whole dual approval notice business.

But I would like the second approval notice to be transferrable :) so someone's miseries on this board could be alleviated by all those who got two approval notices !

Needless to say, those who are waiting for their first approval notices will get them in due course ! So dont lose hope and hang tight ! You are next.....

All the best !
BCIS is so messed up !

Cleary, the BCIS just wasted the effort and energy to send two similar notice. They just doubled up their expense ( imagine 0.37 per mail + additional one person looking into the form) .

Don't u guys think BCIS (immigration) administration system is messed up? It's really a joke. If they can manage their system well, I am pretty sure there should not be such long backlog. Those people are way too lazy... they only on-time for meals.
Thanks Guys for all these responses. I wish I could transfer one of the approval to one of you guys who has been waiting for this sucking GC for more then 6 years like me.