Tuesday Mohuhuhuh, Wednesday Habib, Thursday ShantanuB


Registered Users (C)
You need to create two more identities to round out the week!

I remain your humble JERK! servant,


PS. I forgot Layoffbaba. Do you use the same password
for all four? Dammit, dude, what do I have to do to provoke
you into bashing me?

That is my biggest failure on this board. I never once
got bashed by Habib. Why am I not for the "Hardcore Club"
like dma_va, vivekm, patienceGC, ric2 et al?
I feel left out. Like a bastard on Father's day.

If u really want to be in the club, I will give a rather boring but useful analogy, if u please, to know how to do that.

In order to handle various communication media traffic like voice, video, data. In Ethernet jargon, U don't take these packets head on as raw ones, rather u wrap them around with headers and treat them as u like (TCP/IP/UDP wrap, for example) to various routers/switches/servers etc.

I take what Habib says and try and wrap it in a way that the only router it leads Habib to is trash can.

Sorry guys, couldn't help with my daily encounters with VoIP junk

;) ;) ;) ;)
Easy dma_va

Looks like it's high time for you to take a mini vacation from work. Interesting analogy though! I guess you missed a firewall in this whole deal!
well chicken those guys may be morons

but dma_va and the others seem to be bunch of GEEKS!:D

Packets and IP... cmon guys! lol

Anyway habib said he wont be around for long... shantanub seems to be making a little sense these days.

mohauahua has dissappeared.

We will just have find someone else.

Indiatoday is a little irritating but he has a lot of supporters so i guess i'll just keep quite.

Anyway chicken I heard a song by a guy from houston... it wasnt good rapping kinda like party rap with immature lyrics ( the start was ' and we like to floss... all my diamonds gloss' :-( ) but it has a pretty good tune to it are there many rappers out there?
hello cheicken65,dma_va,patienceGc

Sorry, my question is unrelated to this thread. But
I am not able to take curses from the lawyer saying that I had done a big mistake of not taking the photo copies of my approval notices before going for PP stamping. I know you guys got the approvals. Do you all have the photo copies of the approvals? In what circumstances do we need those?

Chicken 65, just so you know Anita did not take copies, she told me..

Please enlighten me on this.....
Thanks a bunch...

I'd love to help you and make you feel the giving nature of patienceGC but i cant..


I just took my courtesy copy for passport stamping
and the lady took it.

A couple of days later, the actual approval notice
arrived from my company and the congratulations
letter that came from them said to take "the proper
notice, not the courtesy copy". It didn't matter
though in my case.

Anyway, I haven't taken photocopies of the
original, but maybe I should.

PatienceGC, you're time's a coming...
I know it. In the words of Phil Collins,
I can feel it coming in the air tonight...

Haven't heard the rap song. Have you heard one
called the Catch Up Song? Everyone seems to
be excited over this - a new Macarena perhaps?
Anyway, I haven't heard it.
I think its called the Ketchup song

But I havent heard it yet.

Havent listened to the Radio in a while... only NPR...too much interest in the Sniper deal! hehe
thanks patienceGC and chicken65

Sorry, patienceGC, you will get it soon...When you do get it , take two photo copies of everything original and courtesy copies, keep one in a fire proof locker and the other mail it to yourself....!?????? I am just repeating what I was told by my lawyer. Didn't make sense to me either.

Thank You chicken65. I just hope that my company sends the original copies. Forget the congratulations letter. They probably are getting ready for me to quit them soon anyway....Thank You
patienceGC, whats up

I am very busy at work but I still come to this forum everyday. The word "approved" from you people really makes my day. I am glad to hear that.

As a CCIE, I find dma's example pretty make sense.

Chicken, whats up. I finally understand you after my Chinese friend explained the word "Chicken" to me.

I don't understand why the hell the lawyer wants u to keep copies of approval and why the hell u listen to him/her after u've been approved.

My wife got her PP stamped on 10/18, a whole two months after her approval and still we just submitted courtsey copy, kept the original with us (just for the heck of it) and lawyer is no where in the picture here. The stamping officer didn't ask for original either (we had it with us in case).

Go kick the lawyer....................