TSC Tracker and Discussion - April 15,2002

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We can see Slow down in approvals at all stages i.e 140, 485 ect.
Is it because of INS Re-org (or shall we call it INS Re-messup).
News about TSC RFE - KIshan Patel,Texy, Pkalai

I talked to the lawyer about the delay of 140 RFE cases.
Came to know that INS has decided to do security check for all the RFE cases.That\'s why they are not proceeding with the RFE responses.
Lawyer said it might take a month or even upto 3 months to get RFE approval.My lawyer has recvd. this info(FAx letter) from the TExas INS.This security check is not only for 140 and also for other categories like 485 etc.IS it so?Any body heared similar news like this?

I\'m not really sure what would be our fate???
this is what I found out yesterday - I guess it is the same for all the SCs

Updates from Missouri Service Center (4/23/02)
From Immigration.com

The INS has instituted additional service-wide security measures which require a name check in the IBIS system. As a result of this new requirement, the MSC had to stop processing applications in order to install the necessary equipment and train their personnel. The MSC processing of cases were interrupted for a 21-30 day period. As of APRIL 15, 2002, the MSC is back up and operating in a normal manner. They have a backlog as a result of the shut down and going forward the processing times will be impacted due to the additional security clearance procedures required for each case.
How 140 info may be helpful

Hello friends.

I am an NSCian with a pending 140 (overdue now !) and now with the highly talked about new feature getting integrated with the vintage system, there is little doubt that we are already on the docks, so to say.

But my point is how much of security info. does an 140 application carry ? In fact it\'s a Co. petition that emphasizes broadly on the education and work related data but has little to no demographic info. on the applicant.

it could mean anything...

Would INS be approving an EB3 RIR I-140 petition filed by a "bin Laden Construction Co." whose beneficiary is an experienced tunneling engineer named Osama bin Laden??? Of course, if he has a certified LC, and a bachelor\'s degree plus 5 years of experiences...

just kidding...
Haven\'t receive RFE for two weeks.

I got message from TSC that they mailed me a RFE on April 15. But I have not received it yet. I doubt they already did that. It is supposed that I receive it within one week. I could not reply to it on time. Please let me know what I have to do.
My cases RD & ND Dec.11, 2001. RFE April 15, 2002.
Well stated. But It should then be easy to clear the vaste majoty of cases.

But we all know the INS. They will implement an inefficient manual process that will only delay applications from being processed without realy improving the security front.

you should check with your attorney or your company

normally it was sent to the attorney, the delay caused by the lawyer is second only to that of INS, unfortunately...
Talked to IIO

Just now i talked with an IIO. I was trying past several days and finally i was able to talk to them.. I was on hold for about 50 mins and the conversation lasted for 2 mins.

Officer told that my case has been assigned to an officer
yesterday(!!!!).. She refused to give any more info about the
case.. She also said that, i can call and check every day if i want
to and she cannot tell how long it will take to make a decision on my case..

Is there anyone waiting for a long time after it has been asssigned
to an officer? ( other than RFE cases.)

My Details : EB2-RIR ND July 25, 2001
Meesage from paralegal working on my case

Dear Dr. Patel,
Your case is currently having a background check completed. After it has been completed, your case will be processed as usual. I will keep you informed of any further response from INS.


TSC I-140, ND feb 20, 2001
RFE1 Dec 12, 2001
RFE2 Jan 26, 2001
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Hi Baskar,

I also got same info from para legal working on my case. She told me that she got letter from laision at TSC saying that "my case currently is going through background check, once that is completed they will send file to officer"

I think this is the reason why we don\'t see any RFE approval over a long period of time.

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Is ur case NIW/I-140 or through lab.cert I got RFE mailed on 13 April (sat) lawyer recd on 23 April mailed the reqd document the same day and believe it or not AVM updated the same day the documents recd 24 April.
lets hope and pray we all get our cases approved
Should I Call INS Directly?

My I-140 case is still pending with the following details:
ND July 31, 2001

My immigration attorney is aware of the problem and is working with the INS. I have been advised not to contact INS directly as this may affect the processing of my I-140 case.

I have noticed some of you called INS directly. Does it help
in expediting the processing of your I-140 case?
what kind of working is he doing

did he tell u anything about it? even if you call it doesnot make any difference. ask and be after ur lawyer he needs to work harder