Tsc Processing Times Improved, If ....


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Day by day, other service centers are improving their processing times to achieve the 6-month processing time but not our TSC. It used to take 6 months to process I-140\'s till June 2001 and now it is taking more than 9 months. But other centers are taking from 45-75 days for I-140\'s. For I-485\'s, CSC is processing Apr/May 2001 cases and VSC is processing Feb 2001 cases. We have sent mails/faxes to the senators, AILA and TSC Director and other INS officials, 2,3 months back about TSC processing times and finally nothing improved.
   According to Bill Yates,Deputy Executive Associative Commissioner for Immigration Services, INS has spent more than $100 millions for the last five years for the federal programs (Border patrol/ enforcement) from the Fee Account (amount collected from our fee) which were meant for processing applications. For more info go to:
     After 180 days of RD of I-485, we could change the employer if we are laid off or some other reason. But nowadays, INS centers are sending RFE\'s for the pay stubs for the last 12 months. All may not be lucky to produce them, if they do not have the job after lay-off.
     May be it is better to take the appointment with the TSC Director and explain about all our feelings, concerns, worries, pains and what not to him. May be we could take help from ISN(Immigration Support Network) since it is an organization which works on immigration problems. Earlier Ganesan (Texas Region, ISN) is used take part in Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) related issues. May be TSC Director can give the appointment for ISN. Those who are living in Dallas area could show their presence during the meeting. Unless we do something to express our concerns/feelings to the TSC Director, the processing times will not improve. Some times these service centers could transfer their workload to some other centers, which have less workload. We do not think that some one will do some thing. Please...we have to discuss on how to proceed to get the appointment with TSC Director. May be we have to take half-day off for this purpose to meet the TSC Director. I hope that it will not be a problem for us (Dallas people)and everyone will understand my feelings. We will work together to solve our problems.
     My details: EB2, PD 06/98, I-485 RD 06/01 & ND 06/01

Looks like a good idea. Nothing wrong in representing our case and the difficulties we are facing in these uncertain times.

If any one has met the TSC director to represent their problems, please post their experiences. Otherwise we seek an appoint ment, draft a letter for representation and go and explain.
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I am game for this. Can we meet sometime this week, if u guys are in Dallas. I live in Las Colinas area.
I support you!!

I have same kind of thought. Complaining here is useless, we must stand together and do something to show our concern and angry. I just don\'t know how to do it. Your idea is good and doable. If I can do anything helpful, please post here.
Full support, but we need to go higher in the chain

First, let me express my full support to your effort. However, I believe that an appointment with the TSC director will not be of much use. Ever since I started watching the situation at INS about 18 months ago, Carmelo Ortiz has been the acting director at TSC. He has had enough time to restore order in TSC but he totally failed and proved to be incapable of performing the job.

Thus, I think we should seek an appointment with Mr. Ziglar, the newly appointed INS director. He had a long career in the private sector, which is good in the sense that he should know about productivity, efficiency, etc.

If we present our case to Mr. Ziglar in the right way, he should recognize that something is fundamentally wrong there and could take fundamental steps to remedy the problems. I\'m talking FIRE Carmelo Ortiz and all his middle-management, replace them with fresh, motivated people. Small changes around the edges just won\'t cut it.

Unfortunately, I live in the New York area now, so I am moreless unable to meet with you personally. I will sign a petition, however, with my personal info on it. If we can get a firm appointment, I\'ll even consider making the trip to Texas.

I have a pending I-485 in TSC (RD 05/07/01).

Do not let this idea fade. Keep posting here! And let\'s agree on some action soon.
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Idea is great, though I am at I-140 stage but I fully support that we should meet competent authority and express our concern about I-485 as well as petitions of other categories like I-140, I-824 etc etc. I am waiting for my I-140 and will complete 9 months in this wait on November 20, 2001.

I am not in Dallas, TX but I can make a trip from Louisiana to Texas if you guys get a firm date of appointment to meet TSC director or Zames Ziglar.

However, I am ready to sign any petition we need to file for our this compaign. Also, if in this effort we need some finacial support I will be more than happy to give my share.

Guys we should not suffer like this rather we should unite and do some thing positive to expedite process at TSC.

Kishan Patel
Waiting for I-140 at TSC since Feb 20, 2001
Great idea!

I totally support you! I am not living in Dallas area. However, I am willing to donate if you guys need. RD 01/10/01, ND 01/23/01

James Ziglar is the INS Commissioner, but the Director.....

James Ziglar will be in INS Head Quarters, Washington D.C. and he is the head of whole INS. So, I think it is better to meet TSC Director itself who is the head of TSC.
  BTW, I live in Las Colinas (TX) area.
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Thanks Venkat for sending me this link.

Guys this is Ganesan.

As most of U know I have made many efforts for Regular Labor and I-140. Some made some impact some was fruitless.
Nevetheless Got to keep trying.
In the past participation was not enough, for example when I did TSC I-140 delays effort I got 70 people who were willing to participate but few willing to go all the way. 70 is nothing.

I have been stuck in various stages from April 98 and so I am not one who got it easy and know the pain involved.

I chose CP over 485 and Now in the very last leg of the process.

In any case I will be able to participate after Dec 27th only.

unLike my previous efforts I cannot do everything by myself I need participation. I am not talking abt half hearted ones. I will tell U this there are lot of things we can do but there is no guarantees.
But is it not worthwhile to say atleast we tried.

Thru ISN I can make some contacts but we need impressive participation.

I need some volunteers. They need to be or become ISN Members kind of deputizing them. They need to be In dallas or atleast should be able to meet with me in Dallas within next 7 days.

Reason people are not going to send their personal details to any tom dick and harry. These volunteers will be responsible for collecting informations and preparing letters.Ofcourse I can provide the content.

I will be unavailable for any participation from End of Nov to end of Dec. After that interested in any effort if there is participation.

Remember our struggles are tougher now days as immigration delays are not going to get much sympathy now days.

I see a lot of processing delays in the future

1. There is a push for Bringing CIA check back into 485 this process was discontinued in 97.

2. With more money flowing into ins enforcements we can lose money from adjudication.

There are things we can push for

1. I-140 / 485 concurrent processing
2. Premium processing

Check us out @ www.isn.org


(dont flood my email unless important)
Also need to raise through all the available forums

Besides all these efforts locally to meet the TCS director and give a representation, this issue needs to be raised in all the avilable forums, where it matters. I think INS has regular meetings with "Community Based Organizations" (CBOs) in Washington,D.C. We need to find who attends these meetings and if we can have these questions raised there. Is ISN represented in these or any other such meetings with INS. Mr, Ganesan, how else can ISN help in this?
strongly support

I strongly support this post. I live in Dallas and feel that it would be a plus if we can invite local senators, congressman or their office clerk to join the meeting.

I-485 RD 12/2/99, FP 03/14/2000.
I am all for it

I live in Dallas and I am all for it.
Let\'s talk to someone and get this problem resolved.

EB2 India RD:03/00, ND:03/00

I got a bad news. My lawyer told me yesterday. Even though the TSC is showing 2/00 as current processing time for I485, the dallas local office is actually processing 4/99 cases. That is why you see some people get approved later than 2/00. "2/00" is just an average number. Dallas office is the worst. We(who live in Dallas area) should really do something.
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GANESAN 11/14/01 12:46pm

Pls read my post.

Guys who are willing to volunteer send me an email by friday at ganesan@isn.org.

If I only receive comments on how we can do this and that without anybody volunteering, then I am least interested in getting involved in this effort.
No Title

GANESAN 11/14/01 12:46pm

Pls read my post.

Guys who are willing to volunteer send me an email by friday at ganesan@isn.org.

If I only receive comments on how we can do this and that without anybody volunteering, then I am least interested in getting involved in this effort.
please give me all the phone numbers and contacts you have on TSc

We are trying to get in touch with TSC and alrready have the backing of ISN and a DEsi radio station at Dallas. Please email me direct at svsarma1@yahoo.com
Our endeavor is to
1 have a direct meeting with Carmelo Ortiz
2 failing that we will call him for an interview at radio station
3 if nothing works we are also working on a rally in a months time at TSC for 140/485 cases ( but that is a last option)
Its only in TEXAS !!!!

I\'m with all of you guys, this is a very huge processing delay only in Texas Service Center when compared with other 3 service centers. Somehow I beleive that we need to get the INS officials aware of the problems we face due to these delays. I\'m one among you waiting on my I-140 process. By the way did we get any momentum in gathering the information on all the participants who are willing to take our grievances to the INS Director? I\'m in Atlanta but I can make a trip to Dallas if required. Thanks everyone for this effort and keep this going.