TSC NIW RFE - PLease read and advise


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“Please submit evidence form your current employer that indicate how many engineers are employed and show your salary, job title and performance review….”

Can I just ask Human Resources Department to write this letter? Or have to ask my supervisor to do it. I already asked VP write a letter. My supervisor’s letter would not plus comparing VP’s letter

Last paragraph of the letter: “ Does the alien possess any special skills, knowledge, or abilities that could not be articulated on a Labor certification?...If your personal contributions are critical to present research, this could be articulated, and one would wonder why your employer would not ensure your presence by obtaining LC. If your specific research is required, this could be articulated, and would not be available to those of “minimum requirements”

What they want with paragraph. More recommendation letters?
TSC RFE officer code

Hi darmasuden / aggiewzm,

Would you mind sharing the RFE officer code? Should be bottom right of RFE letter -- like LK/xxx?

Thanks :)
You need to focus on “ Does the alien possess any special skills, knowledge, or abilities that could not be articulated on a Labor certification?" aspect IMHO.

They want you to write as to why Waiver from LC is necessary in your case. Honkman and others have focussed on this aspect in some recent posts that you may wanna check. Among other things you can harp on the lack of or potentially missed funding opportunities if you go via the LC route.