TSC inefficiency needs to be exposed

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Where do you all find the email address of your senators? What shall I do if I wanted to send one to my senator too? I live in TN. Can some one plese find the details?

I wish this really works folks...


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Could you please post the e-mail addresses of the senators/congressmen etc. that this letter got sent to. Or, if you can post the source that you got the e-mail ids from, that would be very helpful too......

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What e-mail did you use to send to the President......? Is it the regular whitehouse.gov id, or is it something else.
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I spoke to our cogress man office today and that lady flatly told me that TSC has 77,000 applications pending and not to expect GC for another 3 yrs. She was as rude as TSC IIOs. We definitely need to do something, we can not just wait for years and years waiting for something to happen.
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To everyone participating in this effort, Great job!! Keep it up!!
I have also e-mailed the request letter to senators Gramm, Hutchison, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (all from Texas).
I believe this is a good start for all of us. Lets keep the pressure on and keep spreading the words to other applicants.
Hopefully, we can all make a difference with our persistence and perseverance.


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Thank you, BK. I also sent e-mails to senators in FL. I am wondering if you need to single out you letter and post it as a new mail titled as "Expedite I-485 with TSC-Sample Letter to Senators". Please also indicate how to find their addresses congress.org in the BEGINNING of your message. After a couple of days, your letter maybe buried in 50 mails and some viewer may miss it.

Here is the address to Atterney General, AskDOJ@usdoj.gov; some people send their mails to the following person (I got these from other center\'s forum, VSC and CSC waitors are much more agressive and that is partially why these centers are faster):

Michael A. Pearson
U.S. Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Office of the Executive Associate Commissioner
425 I Street NW
Washington, DC 20536
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azureicy, Thanks for your suggestions and input. I\'ll create a new message for the letter.
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I just sent letters to our Congressman and the two senators from GA.

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I emailed to Sen. Graham, Sen. Nelson and Rep. Davis. Thanks Guys, Let\'s hope it works.
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I don\'t want to dampen your spirits but....
Please read the letter before sending to Senators/Congressmen.
The letter says that CSC is processing Feb 2001 cases where as the offical INS processing time of CSC is 1998.
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tikgc99tsc, we do understand your concerns about the inconsistent reports etc. However, from information gathered from the CSC forums
Feb 2001 cases have been approved. Also when applicants call CSC they are given a more accurate date of cases being processed. They are never told 1998 etc.
Some of the CSC reports in the past few months also support the fact that they were processing cases filed after Dec 2000.
On the contrary, TSC keeps telling every caller they are still processing Jul 1999. Their report hasn\'t changed either to refute their Jul 99 story.
We do recognize that the various reports have been changing over time, but one thing that we all agree on, is the fact that TSC is the least efficient of all the centers.
So, What we are trying to achieve by sending this letter out,
is to expose TSC\'s inefficiency with the hope of making them more efficient, and also to make them give a more accurate account of the dates and statuses of cases filed with the center.
What do u think?
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I agree BK, There U go.
for the first time i saw this kind of activity at TSC board.
way to go guys
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Hi guys,
My application for 485 and AP were mailed on May 22 and I am still awaiting Receipt Notice. That\'s quite frustrating. Should I write to my congressman/senator too?