TSC I485 Tracker for March 2004


Registered Users (C)
What is this all about ?

This excel program checks the status of a range of SRC numbers using the USCIS online status check facility and store the 485
numbers in the excelsheet for future checks of status changes.

The credit of first writing this ingenious VB/excel
macro goes to OFF_PATIENCE
And then other fellow forum members have modifed it since.

Individual Scan results have then been consolidated and stored in 1 common file - all_cons.xls.
Please see the summary sheet to understand it.

How to Scan?
These are Instructions to run the macro for the 1st Time to scan a New SRC Range

1> Download the attached Excel file.

2> Inform here which date you are going to scan and make sure that you are not doing the scan for same date some one else is doing or has not done.

3> Before you run the macro check the security level of your Excel
Security Level tab is found at (Tools menu, Macro
submenu, Security command
The level cannot be at High, it should be changed to Medium
or Low
Now you are ready to run the macro.

4> To run the macro you have to go to the menu at the top of the
screen and look for Tools,
then look for the submenu Macro and then Macros.
It will pop up a box titled Macro.
You can see 4 Macros listed (I485Scan, MakeChart, MultiScan & Sort485).
Select I485Scan and hit the Run button at the right.
Another box will pop up titled Excel.
There, you have to enter the first five digits corresponding to
the SRC range you want to check.
for eg - 01-001 and press OK.
Another box will pup up and enter the range of the last five
digits to check.
Start from 50000 to 51000 and go all the way to 56000.
Note - at a time, you can only scan for 1000 cases from the
same IP address before
'We are sorry' message. After that you have to change
your IP or wait for 24 hours
before you can scan again.
Important Note - When you try to scan more than
3 invalid SRCs, you get blocked as well.
So be wise in choosing the right range of SRC numbers.

5> The usual range starts from 50001-55999. Don't exceed 1000 at a time for a single IP address.

6> The macro will run and will show the results found.
It will create a excel sheet with SRC and write down only the
485 cases.

7> After your 1st run is complete, for next set of 1000 nos,
rename the excel sheet by double clicking on the excel sheet tab.
It will allow you to rename the sheet.
Then repeat step 4>.
After this scan is over combine the 2 results.
Repeat this until you have exhausted finding the date range
or you feel exhausted..

9> You can use proxy servers if you would like to scan more on the same day. You can get some proxies for free if you search internet eg:-

To change proxy open internet explorer or other browser. Goto Menu
Tools..Internet options...Connections...Lan Settings...click Use proxy and then enter Ip address and port info say ok and repeat from step 4.

And don't forget to post your results here or add to the consolidated file.

Note - Please feel free to suggest any changes
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Thanks goastros.

I am glad to be the first to reply in this new thread.

added 02-021, 02-022, 02-023. Total of 2 new SRC numbers only.
rescanned june and august 01

there shows a total of 53 approvals dated 2/28. That means almost half of the officers were working on that Saturday. let's hope they keep on the good work and get more help soon. working on saturdays can't be a good long term strategy.

Total / Jan / Feb / Mar: 43257 / 631 / 1766 (add 440 transfers) / 94
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[Size=large]What is this freedom Zip file?[/Size]

1> Download the attached Zipped file.
The name of the zip file will be freedom_verxxx.zip
Use winzip to get a excel file all_cons.xls. Open this excel file. It may ask if you want to enable Macros.

2> Please take a look at the Members sheet which is the penultimate sheet. Check to see your id is listed in there as per your RD or not? If not, please add your id or post here and someone will update it.

3> Then take a look at the summary sheet. This summarizes about all the data created and then there is month-wise Approvals, RFEs, Transfers. ALso take a look at the no of approvals and the graphs below it.
It gives you a picture of of how TSC processing 485 cases, which months 485 it is currently processing etc.
Any Definite prediction based on this abt TSC is futile.
It just gives some idea.

4> If your particular SRC data or SRC number is not found in the data, then that is because the data has not been collected. You can help by collecting more data by following the instructions given in the 1st thread.

5> Or else you can help by Rescanning the data. The 'L' column tells us on what date this particular SRC was last scanned.

These are Instructions to rescan multiple sheets

6> Before you run the macro check the security level of your Excel
Security Level tab is found at (Tools menu, Macro
submenu, Security command).
The level cannot be at High, it should be changed to Medium
or Low.
Now you are ready to run the macro.

7> To run the macro you have to go to the menu at the top of the
screen and look for Tools,
then look for the submenu Macro and then Macros.
It will pop up a box titled Macro.
You can see 4 Macros listed (I485Scan, MakeChart, MultiScan & Sort485).
Select MultiScan and hit the Run button at the
Another box will pop up titled Excel.

After that it is very easy, give the range of sheets to be scanned in the following format YYDDD-YYDDD.

8> The macro will suspend calculations to the summary sheet, do the scan until it reaches a count of 990 and then stop, calculate the summary sheet.

9> After you run a Rescan, Rename the file to the next version number (freedom_verxxx.zip) and then zip and post the file here.
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changes in ver 213

+ added more data for 01-228.
+ added RR_67 data for 02-073
+ updated the members sheet to refelect gujju, summerwind, caryz, hyd66's approvals.
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next version

+ Rescanned from 01-001 to 01-264.
+ updated U2's approval in the member sheet.

Totals - Feb/Mar - 1778/135

pradha, I have deleted Oct03 from the 2nd graph.
can you add march 04 in the graph and
Do you think we can delete Nov & Dec 03 from the 2nd graph as well ?
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+ Rescanned from 02-024 to 02-049.
+ added 02-020.

Totals - Feb/Mar - 1792/208

One way to put this Feb number into perspective is that it's yet to beat 1973 of Mar 02. Since we actually added so many new receipt numbers, the approval counts from last years also grew a lot.

Increased the scale of chart I from 1800 to 2000.
Added march 04 in chart II
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some thing diffrent

Receipt Number: src0204353561

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On February 5, 2004, your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status was received here for processing. It is taking between 30 and 90 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete
next version

+ Rescanned from upto 02-085.
+ updated approvals & new members in the member sheet.

Totals - Feb/Mar - 1793/253

I was hoping to see IIOs now start looking at Jan 2002 cases.
But that does not seem to be the case..:(
Just some occassional approvals in jan 02 and in Dec 01.

Interestingly (no suprise to me )I noticed in my last version, 3 RFEs for Jan 01 cases.

253 approvals in 4 days for Mar 04 is a
good start but would that be enough to come close to no of Feb 04 Approvals ?
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Interestingly (no suprise to me )I noticed in my last version, 3 RFEs for Jan 01 cases

why do u say the above sentence?
Re: goastros

Originally posted by tombaan
Interestingly (no suprise to me )I noticed in my last version, 3 RFEs for Jan 01 cases

why do u say the above sentence?

because the official processing date for TSC is now June 01.
In theory, they shd be completely done with cases from jan 01.
so I said interestingly.
But we all know by now, there are still lot of unfortunate guys
like gkhan etc whose Rd is may 01 but are still not approved.
Hence it comes as no surprise to me.
Re: some thing diffrent

Is it possible that this is a transferred case from another SC?

Originally posted by pradha
Receipt Number: src0204353561

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On February 5, 2004, your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status was received here for processing. It is taking between 30 and 90 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete
Re: Re: goastros

Originally posted by goastros
because the official processing date for TSC is now June 01.
In theory, they shd be completely done with cases from jan 01.
so I said interestingly.
But we all know by now, there are still lot of unfortunate guys
like gkhan etc whose Rd is may 01 but are still not approved.
Hence it comes as no surprise to me.

Note it means that "INITIAL" processing has been done on all cases before the "Processing Date".

RFE means initial processing done. They do not have to wait for the case approval to move the processong date.

Hi Friednds..,

just now i saw its showing our cases are approved...

ND- sep 13- 2001.
RFE - on 2/9/04
rfe received on 2/27/04
approved on 3/5/04...
Re: Scan for 02-03853xxx

Originally posted by boyc442
I've just scanned 02-03853000 to 02-03854000. Thanks.

Boyc442, thanks for posting the file and welcome to the forum.
is this your RD/ND by the way ?
Actually pradha had already collected the same data. It is already part of the all_cons.xls.

Enjoy! Go celebrate!

Originally posted by kumarsin
Hi Friednds..,

just now i saw its showing our cases are approved...

ND- sep 13- 2001.
RFE - on 2/9/04
rfe received on 2/27/04
approved on 3/5/04...
Guys and Gals,

Is there any way to Scan based on A#. My application was submitted to a local office hence they never gave me a SRC or LIN kind of number. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Originally posted by hope2004
Guys and Gals,

Is there any way to Scan based on A#. My application was submitted to a local office hence they never gave me a SRC or LIN kind of number. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


hope2004 , what is your ND/RD?
the USCIS online case status site only gives data as per your Receipt number ( SRCxx).