TSC I-824 Approval Tracker

one digit of the case # is hard to recognize from the check.

SRC-02-0*1-54***. The third number I don\'t know it is 3 or 5. If it was 3, it is in AVM. The 5 one is not. For the 3 one, it is said the notice day is Nov. 7, and the receipt notice was mailed out. But I still don\'t receive the receipt. I gave the Canadian address on the application. I don\'t know whether TSC sends mail outside of the US. Hope she does so. Or I really don\'t know where the receipt was sent to.

By the way, how long for TSC to approve I-824? The check is cleared. At least I can wait my case is transferred to NVC.

Finally got receipt.

Hi, everyone:

Just be so glad to tell you that I-824 receipt letter jumped out when I opened my mailbox.

Received date: Oct. 3rd
Notice date: Nov.7th
The date on envelope:Nov 26tt
Got it today Nov. 30th
Oct. 3rd was stamped on the back of check.
The check was cleared on Nov. 13th.
Mailed it out on Sep. 20th by plain mail.
Case# is SRC-02-031-54***

Good luck everyone. Maybe you can provide clues for war against terrorist and get the so-called s visa ^|^ in a fast way.

Those Americans now are in 911 frenzy. It is not US style. At least not the one I like. ...They even don\'t allow different points of view. ...It is dangerous. Patriotism is important but not everything. Right?

Congratulations! Good luck to your CP process.
I 100% agree with you on this point. I like the "old" US, one can always hear different sides of a story. This is what make the US the greatest country of all. Now one can hardly hear any opposition voice, which is not just strange, but extremely dangerous. Extreme patriotism is a superhighway to Nazy. Hope this won\'t last long. Unfortunately, people in the US don\'t know too much of the world history. Have you read novel "Animal Farms"? It is a great book which I am sure you will like it.
Best wishes.
Hi Srinvas.. Did U get any news from Texas about your I-824

Did U call texas recently or U get any news about your I-824. Please post.
