TSC - All Tracker reports updtd on 5/19/01 - EOM

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Thanks as always for the wonderful work. Looking at the TSC approval pattern for 4/01,I see number of EB3/India cases beyond RD 7/99 getting approved. So,this is another instance to show that TSC IIOs are making false statements about working on 7/99 cases. Amazing inconsistency!

(users like onthenet,shank788,srctsc,infoseek are a few examples).

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vsv, as you probably noticed TSC has been approving plenty of year 00 cases...when IIO\'s where parroting the 7/99 story. There are still lot of 99 cases waiting for approval...
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The date TSC refers to as processing is the date of the oldest regular I 485...by regular I mean the one that is a straight forward case without the complications of mismatch of documents, RFEs not responded within the time frame, If responded then not what should be, etc etc...