True Dual Citizenship, lets all lobby for this!


New Member
I would like to ask all fellow Indian-Americans to lobby India to at least grant True Dual Citizenship to American Citizens who are also NRI's.

It is clear Indian Gov made the OCI provision as a get your American dollars thing. So it would be easier to convince India to do it for USA, and impossible for less advanced Nations NRI's. Now we should all get the High Respect we deserve, for we all help India so much.

It is mostly through the labor and expertise of NRI's of America that now India has learned that progress and prosperity is gotten when laws are simplified and bureaucracy reduced.

20 years ago when I when to India, us Americans or NRI's we had to wait in long lines at India's customs post. They would open up all our bags and hunt down all the electronic gadgets and gifts, then demand a hefty bribe or threat to confiscate the cool electronics.

But 2 years ago I though the same would happen, but surprise, us Americans we got to go to a smaller line then the NRI's, we were treated with a smile, and welcomed thats all! No Bribes no opening up and spoiling our bags.

It was now clear to India, asking for bribes from American NRI's and NRI's hurts the foreien revenue. But less greed makes India prosper. Hopefully te reforms will continue and India will realise minimal regualtion and Minimal beuracracy it the only way to Beat China.

Yes China is the 2nd reason after American NRI's that India opened up to the world and decided it no longer wants to be a 3rd world nation.

So it is only in India's best intrest to amed the constitution to allow USA NRI's True Dual Citisenship.

THE UK allows this with USA, why? because it is the ideal thing to do to get ahead.

We do not want China to continue to race ahead of India too much longer.

Indians are the smartest people on Earth, now we all need to remember how to be the Wisest. (ask the Sadhu)
You make some strong points. NRIs however are a small part and, Indian Govt policies have caused most of the improvements really.
The immig officials have quit chasing the NRI tourist who come with a camera and a camcorder but it is not out of a policy change. They now catch the desi techies bringing 8 cameras and 3 laptops as gifts for the family. So things haven't changed much.
IMO, dual will be allowed when enough politicians have kids with foreign citizenships wishing to return to India. When their own kids will become eligible the rules will change.
Also please stop this chest thumping saying Indians are the best and other countries should lag behind,each place has its own plus and minus points. All countries should better the condition of their people .
You make some strong points. NRIs however are a small part and, Indian Govt policies have caused most of the improvements really.
The immig officials have quit chasing the NRI tourist who come with a camera and a camcorder but it is not out of a policy change. They now catch the desi techies bringing 8 cameras and 3 laptops as gifts for the family. So things haven't changed much.
IMO, dual will be allowed when enough politicians have kids with foreign citizenships wishing to return to India. When their own kids will become eligible the rules will change.
Also please stop this chest thumping saying Indians are the best and other countries should lag behind,each place has its own plus and minus points. All countries should better the condition of their people .

Excuse me aabbcc,

But where is you self pride in Indianness, you care about non-indians so much. My White friends all know Indians per capita are the worlds smartest, Askanizi Jews are 2nd worlds smartest.

One weakness Inidnas have is they tend to not defend eachother. I had all white proffessors who treated me fairly. But in one class I got a Indian proffesor, people thought I would get favortism from him. I said no no you don't understand the Indian weakness. And sure enough the Indian proffesor gave me a much harder time then he did the white kids.

When I go in line at the store I switch lines if the cashier is indian, because I know Whites will treat me better then a fellow Indian. Too much castism and self bashing is our weakness.

But my point is we Indians need to learn to help our own, we are in a competition against rest of world.

If aabbcc doesn't agree, ok! Then know that China will then dominaate India, because Chinese help Chinese against rest of nationals and races.

This is why China who was way behind India is now racing to beat up even America!!!

I love my India and Amerika, I favor Asia over Europe and that over Africa.
You make good points but I don't agree that Indians should favor Indians. Yes we can and should help each other but to favor another Indian would be no different than racism or casteism and all of us know what it feels like to be at the receiving end.

Don't get me wrong, I quite understand what you mean by not wanting to deal with another Indian, there's an old joke about this -

A fisherman was carrying an uncovered basket of live crabs, an onlooker was curious why he did not cover the basket to prevent the crabs from getting away. The fisherman answered, these are Indian crabs, when one starts climbing up another pulls him down :D
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