Tricky B2 Visa Annotation Problem


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Hello, My name is Chris. My wife, a Nicaraguan citizen, just recieved a b2 tourist Visa to visit the US to show off our 3 month old son (dual citizen). We had originally planned on traveling the first week of May. When my wife recieved her visa thee was an annottaion that read: "Visa to travel to (City) in May with US Citizen Husband Daniel"

Two things about the annotation. Firstly, our son's name is Daniel, it is NOT MY name. Second, we are now thinking of traveling for Easter (mid to late april) instead of the first week of May.

I emailed the US Consular in Nicaragua and they said:

"The annotation of the visas are according what applicants explain to the consular officer questions during the interview and what they declared on their visa applications.

According to your wife’s visa annotation, she must travel in May. If plan has changed, she should better apply for another visa."

What should I do? Do you think if we travel in April, we will have problems with the immigration officer at the POE? Or are the errors in the Visa annotation minimal enough to allow entrance?

I am certain that not during the visa interview nor application my wife had stated that Daniel was here husband. I think it was probably a simple misunderstanding on their part.