Travelling with GC stamp and no plastic card


Registered Users (C)
As anyone here travelled with just their GC stamp and no plastic card? I am wondering if we need to bring additional docs like work authentication or the 485 approval letter.

The stamp on the passport doesnt really look very legit.
I travelled in FEb 04 to March 04 to India based on only passport stamp with my whole family.
While coming back to USA , in Bombay they asked me show the
I-485 approval letter other than that no problem.
I showed them original I-485 approval letter which one I got from my attorney. My original letter I gave to INS at time of passport stamping.
I hope this will help you.
As green card holder , you don't need any transit visa.
I travelled Miami to Paris to Bombay by AirFrance.
in Bombay they asked me show the
But when I went for stamping they took away my approval letter.
Originally posted by linkslinks
As anyone here travelled with just their GC stamp and no plastic card? I am wondering if we need to bring additional docs like work authentication or the 485 approval letter.

The stamp on the passport doesnt really look very legit.

If you have an I-551 stamp on your passport, you don't need any work authorization to work anywhere in the US.

I noticed that you did your PP stamping (TSC) on Jan. 20. Have you received your card? Has it been ordered/mailed? I did my PP stamping at Houston (I am a VSC applicant though) on March 22 (AD: March 11, 2004) and wanted to get an idea of how long it will take to receive the card.

My son got his card with in one week .
My wife got her card after one month and ten days.
In my case I got RFE for passport stamping. The RFE was
about my signature problem.
Based on RFE they need my style signature which is same as
on I-485 form. I went again at INS on March 15 and redo whloe procedure with my new sugnature.
Now I am waiting for card to be ordered.