Travelling to India on AP


Registered Users (C)
I am travelling to India this weekend on a AP which is valid until march 2004 . I'm going on a work assignment for 3 months and will be back in the middle of March.

1. I have not received my 2nd FP yet and If they send a notice for FP while I am in India, I have asked my lawyer to postpone it to April 2004. Do you think it is OK?

2. I just have 2 copies of the AP and my first AP came with 3 copies, is this normal?


Originally posted by caldude
1. I have not received my 2nd FP yet and If they send a notice for FP while I am in India, I have asked my lawyer to postpone it to April 2004. Do you think it is OK?
2. I just have 2 copies of the AP and my first AP came with 3 copies, is this normal?
Better not to postpone FP, the entire INS process is difficult and lengthy enough without adding further complications like postponement.

That being said, hopefully, unless you are very unlucky, the earliest you could expect your FP is about a month from today or so, and they usually give you a date about 6 weeks from receipt of FP letter. Which should give you ample time to get back for FP. If that doesn't work as expected and your FP date comes up earlier. I would definitely advise you to drop the 1000+$ make the trip back for the FP, it will definitely be an investment worth it in the long run!
Thanks 140_takes_4ever

I guess you are right, my wife and I may have to make a trip to do the finger printing just in case I receive the notice.

Answer to your 2nd question - my AP/my family's AP all had just 2 copies.

Folks on this forum (Bitterman, 140) had informed me that it is normal - 3rd copy (airline) may or may not exist.

Have a nice time in India - everyone tells me that it is boom time and there is lots of prosperity/cheerfulness abound(ing)!!

warm regards

Wac 02 206