Traveling with I-551 stamp


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I got my PP stamped with I-551 on dec 20th. I haven't recieved my plastic greencard yet. I need to go on a visit to India on jan 20th. Is it okay for me to do so with just the I-551 stamp in my passport?
I know this question may have been asked before but recently there was some ambiguity about this issue. I just wanted to get the latest possible information regarding this matter. I would appreciate it if someone could post information about this. Thanks in advance!
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tekworker said:
I got my PP stamped with I-551 on dec 20th. I haven't recieved my plastic greencard yet. I need to go on a visit to India on jan 20th. Is it okay for me to do so with just the I-551 stamp in my passport?
I know this question may have been asked before but recently there was some ambiguity about this issue. I just wanted to get the latest possible information regarding this matter. I would appreciate it if someone could post information regarding this matter. Thanks in advance!
yes u r good 2 go with 551 stamp.
Careful with Airline. Some places like Germany, U.K require a transit visa even with I-551 stamp.
kalichar said:
Careful with Airline. Some places like Germany, U.K require a transit visa even with I-551 stamp.
This issue has been discussed in many threads. Transit visa depends on country of citizenship and has nothing to do with 551. Indian citizens dont require transit visa in Germany,UK. Check their websites for details.
Turnaround time ?

Does anyone know how soon they mail you the plastic green card after you have obtained the I-551 stamp ?
fast_gc_seeker said:
This issue has been discussed in many threads. Transit visa depends on country of citizenship and has nothing to do with 551. Indian citizens dont require transit visa in Germany,UK. Check their websites for details.
Transit visa depends on country of citizenship and the type of visa you carry in the passport. If you have a valid H1 visa, then you do not need a transit visa.

My wife had a Advance Parole, but still she was asked to take a transit visa by the German Consulate. I don't know if this is the case for 551 stamp also; it is better to check the consulate.
stupid question?

If the airline will let you board the flight, what can they do at the airport? Make you sit in the plane? Send you back where you came from? Force you to get a visa at the airport by making you wait in a long queue?

Anyone with experience? Most of the experience I've read indicate that those who did not have transit visas, travelled without any problems.

I have a 10yr B visa which has not been cancelled out at stamping - so I suppose I should be fine if I had to travel via France or Germany.

I prefer Northwest/KLM in any case, and I like the fact that Netherlands treats us Indians with greater respect!!