traveling to UK without return ticket?


New Member
Hello -

I am an American college student who is taking several months off to travel. I have so far been in the Schengen zone for a couple months (will be at 85 out of 90 days when I depart, though it will be refreshed March 10th), and will be heading to the UK next week. I, however, do not plan on entering with a ticket out of there, as I am not 100% certain of my plans after that - I plan on staying 4-6 weeks, and will then head either home or elsewhere. I have print outs of some bank statements showing savings upwards of 12k, as well as names and addresses of people I am staying with. Would a problem be expected to enter on a tourist visa without a return ticket? Is there anything else I can do?

I think if you can show sufficient funds to get a ticket, and you are an experienced traveler, have ties to home, and know how to carry yourself in such situation, you should be ok. My opinion.