Traveling In The Us And Are Out Of Status


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Any suggestion would be helpfull , my friend is out of Status but filling LC which will take another 2 yrs before its approved and needs to travel with in the USA to NY during the Christmas for a family get together which is very important to him , he is a little concern about traveling (Air) since there is a high security check, he has nothing to worry about since he has a Valid DL but concern if he were asked any other question about his status etc .

Should he be worried ? he traveled in Aug and Oct of this year and he said everything was fine , but he heard something in the news about scaning some or everyone background to confirm if they are in status is that true , haven't heard anything of this sort.

let me know so he can proceed with his trip or should he cancel .


Any suggestion would be helpfull , my friend is out of Status but filling LC which will take another 2 yrs before its approved and needs to travel with in the USA to NY during the Christmas for a family get together which is very important to him , he is a little concern about traveling (Air) since there is a high security check, he has nothing to worry about since he has a Valid DL but concern if he were asked any other question about his status etc .

Should he be worried ? he traveled in Aug and Oct of this year and he said everything was fine , but he heard something in the news about scaning some or everyone background to confirm if they are in status is that true , haven't heard anything of this sort.

let me know so he can proceed with his trip or should he cancel

You can traveled any where with your DL, no one will ask you about your status
No one on this forum will guarantee you that everything will be fine if he travels. I have a friend who got pulled over for a broken tail light and then deported because he was out of status with a pending deportation. Your friend's case is different as he does not have a pending deportation but again, no one will guarantee that.

As far as I know, he can travel without any risk. I travel almost twice a week and has never been questioned other than for my DL. So, from my over 200 boarding experiences after 9/11, I would say he is safe. However, he should not go or cancel his plans on some unknown person's guarantee on this forum. If he is that scared, then its better to be safe than sorry.
EricNeesGC said:
No one on this forum will guarantee you that everything will be fine if he travels. I have a friend who got pulled over for a broken tail light and then deported because he was out of status with a pending deportation. Your friend's case is different as he does not have a pending deportation but again, no one will guarantee that.

As far as I know, he can travel without any risk. I travel almost twice a week and has never been questioned other than for my DL. So, from my over 200 boarding experiences after 9/11, I would say he is safe. However, he should not go or cancel his plans on some unknown person's guarantee on this forum. If he is that scared, then its better to be safe than sorry.
I don't think any body can be deported just 4 a broken tail light, As far you are not wanted by INS, and you have a valid identity and you stay out of crime, you can travel anywhere with out fear
i agree with eric ..sometimes it depends on how thick your accent is ,that will cause suspicion..ive travel both by air and roads .. ive always had my documentation on me (while traveling) to prove my validation . At All roading borders points and airport security points, i get asked something .. the DL just dont do enough .

i dont wish to spoil anybodies xmas ,but like Eric said better to be safe then sorry ..if you dont have your documents