Travel with stamping and without greencard


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,
  I recently got my passport stamped but looks like it will take a year to get Green card in hand. In the meantime, i may need to travel outside the country for a few weeks. Will that be a problem ? Is there a problem if the company lays off in the meantime ( either before starting or while abroad ? ).
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Travel outside the US is fine even if you only have a Immigration visa stamp on the passport and not the actual plastic card.

If an actual example gives you any consolation then I can tell you that since the visa stamping on my passport, I have made 2 trips outside the US, for 3 weeks and 6 weeks. I have not faced a problem in re-entering the States. You just have to tell the ariline folks or the immigration officials that you dont have your card just yet and ask them to turn the page to where your stamp is.

Have a good trip!

Thanks, just a small question


this is the first time that I am traveling outside the country since my GC. I have got a visa for the trip, and will be carrying my passport and GC.
I hope I have everything covered and can travel without any problems. Am I forgeting anything at all? I assume since I do not have an I-94 anymore, that is an non-issue.

GC & Asylee - Any travel restrictions?

I\'ve posted this question on one of the other "sections", and I hope you won\'t mind my posting it here, too. Say an asylee get his GC. Now, when he was an asylee, he has a lot of travel restrictions placed on him - must apply for advance parole before travel, cannot travel to home country, etc. Now, once he get his GC (after many years!), do the same travel restrictions still apply? All advice welcomed, thanks.
Thanks, JoeF ... I don\'t have GC yet, but deciding how to get it

Thanks, JoeF. I don\'t really have a GC yet, but deciding how to get it. Whether through "asylee status" - I received "recommended approval" for my asylum application recently - or through employment, I currently have a H1-B1. I see that there are lots of restrictions of getting a GC through asylee status - the long wait, travel restrictions, can\'t travel to one\'s home country, etc. that I wasn\'t aware of before. And apparently these restrictions won\'t be lifted until I become a citizen, and that could be 10 years down the road! So, I am thinking whether I should give the "asylee status" up, and just go for my GC via H1-B1, and spend another $5K to do so. The wait and no restrictions are better for the latter. Any comments, anyone??
JoeF ... Question for you. Thanks for any advice ...

Based on your previous response, do you know for sure that an asylee cannot travel back to his or her home country even after he has gotten the green card. I can see INS\'s rationale for restricting travel when he is applying for GC, but do the "travel restrictions" still apply after he has a GC. My paralegal actually tells me that an asylee can travel with a Refugee Travel Document (RTD) after he gets a GC, and to his or her home country. And that the asylee with the GC may even travel on his or her (original) home country\'s passport. I\'m trying to find out if what she tells me is true. Advice or comments, anyone?