Travel VIA uk addil info


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Questainnaire sent to British counsular office in NEWYORK.

My wife was rescheduled to travel via frankfurt after a overnight stay Dubai (stay expensesl taken care by emirates) .

But guys just think of the hassle she is going thru with my son because of the mess UK transit visa has created

Comments : My Wife and my son travelled to India (VIA) London Heathhrow on Oct 22nd My wife is a permanent Resident of USA and her passport is stamped with the I-551 approval valid for 1 year ending Aug 10 2004 .

My son is a US citizen by birth.

She was allowed to transit thru London airport to chennai .
But on Retrun from HYD-->DUBAI-->LONDON-->Washington Dulles ,

She was denied to board the flight in DUBAI saying she needs the "GREEN CARD" .The passport stamping is more than the "GREEN CARD" The airlines is Emirates Airlines.

My questions is
1.If she was allowed to travel with the same kind of documents to From USA to India why was she rejected on the return to USA from India.

2. Does British Govt monitor the process followed by each airlines

3.Does British enforce the rules striclty across all Worldwide offices?

4. My was wife unnecessarily put to hardship with a 3 year old son and her entire itenary was rescheduled becaue of the Confusion.

5 .I tried calling your emergency numbers in Washington DC and Newyork ofice all I get is a recorded message .

I sincerely hope the matter will be looked into by all concerned and atleast other passengers may not face the same hassle my family went thru


Reply from Counuslar Office (Newyork)

Indian passport holders with I-551 stamped into their passports do require transit visas for the UK. It is the responsibility of the airline to enforce this and not board unproperly documented passengers. The error was made by the airline that initially boarded her. You are advised to take up your complaint with that particular airline
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What about if I travel with plastic card which has incorrect date of birth (DOB)? I got my card but DOB printed incorrectly. Do you think I can travel via London without transit visa?

Originally posted by fikabir

What about if I travel with plastic card which has incorrect date of birth (DOB)? I got my card but DOB printed incorrectly. Do you think I can travel via London without transit visa?


Spend some money - peace of mind.
well as fas as the experience can tell me these

Airlines blindly look at the card and dont care about the data on it

so make sure you have the Green card(card) before travelling thru UK or buy Transit Visa $47.00