Travel to India Via Paris (London) - Transit Visa??


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Hello -

I am currently on H1, my visa stamped on passport expires on March 5th 2004 (I-94 expires on March 15th 2004). I am planning my trip to India on March 7th via Paris (or London). I have received Extension I-797 approval document, and I am going to get that stamped in Chennai before reentering into US.

so the question is, Do I need Transit Visa in Paris (or London)?
If that is true, may be I will pre-pone my trip a week (around March 1st), so that my visa is still valid

Any advice is greatly appreciated

Exemptions: You are exempt from this requirement if:

You hold a valid US or Canadian visa who also hold a ticket to or from the US or Canada routed via the UK. This will include a period of 48 hours after the expiry of the US or Canadian visa for those leaving the US or Canada to allow for those who choose to leave at the very end of the validity of their visa

1.You hold a USA Permanent Resident Card issued on or after 21 April 1998. To calculate this subtract ten years from the experation date on your Alien Registration Card.

2.You hold a Canadian Permanent Resident Card issued on or after 28 June 2002

3.You hold a valid Category D visa (normally printed on a red/pink sticker, green stickers do not qualify) issued by EU/EEA member states, which are valid for more than 3 months.

4.You hold a valid EU residence permit

5.You hold a diplomatic or service passport issued by the Peoples Republic of China

6.You hold a diplomatic or official passport issued by the Government of India

you dont need transit visa if you fall in the 48 hrs after the expiry category see 1. If not then you need a transit visa. I would suggest you pre-pone ur trip or get the transit visa.
Following information is from France Consulate Website(if you are traveling thru Paris). Read the last paragraph.

You do not need an airport transit visa unless you are holder of a passport or a refugee travel document issued by one of the following countries:

Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bengladesh, Burkina Faso (*), Cameroon (*) Rep.of Congo, Erythrée, Ethiopia, Gambia (*), Ghana, Guinea,(*) Haïti, India (*), Irak, Iran, Ivory Coast (*), Liberia, Libya, Mali (*), Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal (*), Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria(*), and Palestinians holders of a travel document for refugee which has been issued by Egypt, Lebanon or Syria.

However, no airport transit visa is required if the citizens of the above-mentioned countries have a "refugee travel document", an "alien residency card", or a "permit to reenter" (Form I-327 rev: 06-13-96) issued by the USA, or a permanent visa in either of the countries of the European Union, or a residence permit in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, the Holy See, San Marino, Canada or Japan. This document should authorize you to re-enter the mentioned country without conditions.

For citizens of the countries followed by the sign (*), the airport transit visa is not required, if they are holders of a valid visa issued by a country of the European Union and EEE (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway Portugal, Spain, The United-Kingdom, and Sweden), Canada, Switzerland and the USA.