Travel on I-551 stamp (not the actual card)


Registered Users (C)
On browsing Ms. Murthy\'s website I came across an interesting article regarding POE (Point Of Entry)procedures (specifically at the Dulles Intl Airport POE, but could also apply to other POEs), for Permanent Residents traveling on just the I-551 stamp. Below is the excerpt from the whole page:


"Permanent Residents

One item of particular interest is that permanent residents who are traveling on the I-551 stamp (temporary evidence of green card given before the plastic card is issued) will be automatically subjected to secondary inspection. They will not be quickly processed through the line. This is a significant departure from the prior practice of many years when individuals could travel on the stamp in the same manner as persons with the plastic card. The stamp is the "functional equivalent" of the plastic card and is valid evidence of permanent residence. It is a valid reentry document, in combination with a valid passport. Presumably, the secondary inspection would provide the POE officers with additional time to determine whether the stamp is legitimate or a forgery.

As a bit of good news, permanent residents who have with them the actual "plastic" I-551 card or green card can use the U.S. citizen line at Dulles and JFK airports in Virginia and New York, respectively. This is apparently also the case at a few other POEs, although it is not mentioned anywhere in writing on the boards."


For POE procedures reg. travel on other visa categories you can check out the whole page on her site at this url:

Here are my questions:
Has anyone who has recently traveled on just the I-551 stamp have to go through such secondary inspection at the LA/SF airports in CA? and if so, what actually happens at the POE and how much additional time does it take? Do they take you to another room? Any additonal documents required? etc. etc. etc.

Your replies/experiences will be very helpful. Thanks a lot...
Thank R...

I will look there. Hope all\'s well with you. Will look forward to your approval notice posting and the week long party afterwards ;-)
Travelling on I551

I have travelled on 551 stamp only.Yes, there is a secondary inspection, but lasts for only five more minutes wherin you have to go to a nearby room and show your pp along with the approval notice.They just take five more minutes to reconfirm your details and that\'s it.You can surely stand in the permanant residents/citizens line.You do not need to stand in the visitors line.

Hope this helps.
Is it original approval notice?

Do you have to carry original approval notice or copy of courtesy approval notice is fine. I have never received original approval notice from my lawyer.
I-551 tales

I\'ve heard reports that the unglamorous stamp does raise eyebrows around the world.

Case No. 1: Friend was denied visa on arrival in Switzerland (which he expected being a PR) as the official refused to accept the I-551 and demanded to see plastic card. Issue resolved after calling local American consulate.

Case No. 2: Same friend was not allowed to depart from New Delhi. Immigration official demanded to see US Visa on PPT. Seeing that the Visa was cancelled (this is done during PPT stamping at INS when they stamp I-551) he demanded to see plastic card or other visa. Refused to recognize the I-551. Then other officials were summoned and a senior official said I-551 was OK and allowed him to pass through.

Conclusion: By all means, travel and expect to enjoy the benefits of PR status with I-551 stamp, but also expect irritants and annoyances at all ports of entry/departure.
Thanks for the info guys

Maxi, which POE did you enter the US through with this stamp? I plan to enter through Los Angeles. I wonder why Murthy\'s article mentioned that they "will not process you quickly through the line"? I also intend to carry my Original Approval notice as I\'m sure that will help. Thanks again...
I came in yesterday with only the I-551 stamp.

I came in yesterday at Miami international Airport with only the I-551 stamp, was told to go for secondary inspection into the waiting room.I waited for about 15 minutes before the officer called me.He punched my info into the computer and then asked me the following:
1.SSN number.
2.Father\'s name.
3.Mother\'s name.
Then he stamped the passport with " IPR " and said "you can go now".
No Title

I\'ve not yet gone for stamping (waiting for original notice mailed by my lawyer). Is it true that they (INS Office) take away your original approval notice after stamping I-551 in your passport?