Travel Experience to HK and China with GC


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Hi guys, I just wanted to share with you my recent travel experience to HK and China (Beijing). I had an RTD but was very lucky to have my GC released 1 week before my travel. I used my NP in the travel as the Chinese embassy would not accept my RTD without a GC, which we did not have at that time. There were no questions asked in leaving the US, but in coming back through LAX, I was just asked how long I have lived in my current address and where I currently worked. My impression was that we were just being treated as a regular GC holder. I just gave the IO my GC and NP, but when he saw that I also had my RTD in my hand, he also asked to see it. He asked why I had that and I answered that I was an asylee when I was planning the trip. He said ok and since I did not use it, he just gave it back to me, entered my arrival on my NP and said "Welcome home". It was very nice to hear that from the IO and it was indeed nice to be home after a long trip abroad. :) All in all, it was a pretty straighforward and positive experience.
hi asyle75
i have a question for udid u have only 1 fingerprint notice and appointment for both travel document and green card application or u had 2 separate fingeprint appointments for the tow applications
how long did it take u to recieve the gc
i applied for rtd and gc at same time
i recieved my rtd after 7 weeks but didnt get my gc yet.i made fingerprints for rtd
how long did it take u to recieve the gc
i applied for rtd and gc at same time
i recieved my rtd after 7 weeks but didnt get my gc yet.i made fingerprints for rtd

It took almost 6 months for us to get our GC. We filed our I-405 in in March 28, 2008 and we got our Green Card in September 10, 2008. I already had my RTD before filing for the GC. We filed the RTD in July 2007, just before the fees went up so I guess there were a lot of people who filed it then. That process took more than a year.