Travel After CP?


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After the "Successful" CP interview in India how long can you stay in Inida before coming back to USA?Is there a time limit of some months within which you have to come back to USA?

There is a validity date on the packet that the consualte gives u.

Mine was 6 months from the interview.
Is the validity date different

Is the validity date different for everyone or is it 6 months for all?
Six months from the date of Visa Issue

You have to make use of the immigrant visa and make an entry in Six months. If you fail to enter within the 6 month period then you loose your visa.

It is universal expiry date and not case specific.
Is it Risky?

Is it risky to come back to US after a few months?Even though the timeline is 6 months is it advised to enter US immidiately or can we wait for a few months.I read somewhere that it is risky to enter the country after a few months!!
Technically, there is no risk

But if the officer at the POE has had a bad day he/she may quiz you about it. As long as you have everything in order and a reasonable answer, I doubt if you will have any trouble, especially if you are not the primary applicant.