trasnfered to local offices


Registered Users (C)
is there any truth in the rumor that certain nationalities' 485 is transferred to local offices for interview even though it is employment based?

Don't think so.

My case was employment based and was transferred to a local office and subsequently approved.

waitintoooolong said:
is there any truth in the rumor that certain nationalities' 485 is transferred to local offices for interview even though it is employment based?
Some one was mentioning about mass transfer of SR country people cases. I do not know how real it is.
jaysee and others ....

jaysee ... you say that your case was transferred and subsequently approved ... Was it after the interview or without an interview?

Did they give you any reason for transfering it to local office ... Anyone ?


My case was approved after an interview and all I was asked to during the interview were routine questions - do you still work for the same company, tax returns etc. Infact, the first question that the officer asked was if I had any idea why the case was transferred. So yuo be the judge.

BTW, I hada straightforward case.

waitintoooolong said:
jaysee ... you say that your case was transferred and subsequently approved ... Was it after the interview or without an interview?

Did they give you any reason for transfering it to local office ... Anyone ?

Hi Jaysee,Tammy2 and TheRealCanadian

My case was transferred to Dallas from TSC on 12/18/03, now Dallas is processing May,1,2004 cases. I am not yet been called. My FP is 11/21/2003, FBI Name check March 11,2004 and IBIS is done Sept. 16,2003.
When I called 1-800 number, I have been told my case is pending due to security reason. I have FOIA report of all security check and it is clean.
I do not find what the reason it is being hold for security. Any suggestion or advice will be appreciated.