Transit Visa for Paris on AP


Registered Users (C)
Pardon me for asking a question which has been posted before but didnt see any clear answers..

If I am traveling from NEWARK to DELHI via Airfrance on AP (H1 expired long back), do I need a transit visa.... ??

Any body who has a personal exprience lately ???

Air India via Paris is a different story as one is not allowed to leave the plane....

thanks in advance...
Actually I am going via Air_india. I went to French Consulate in New York. They specifically told me that since you have AP, you will need transit visa. Irrespective of airline you have to take this visa.

You will have to tell them your going and return dates so that they issue a Transit visa that covers both the days. It is 35 Euros that came to 44.30 USD

Need the following. No exceptions

1. Copy of your itinerary ( One for each person. They did not accept one copy for both me and spouse. Had to waste 30 minutes finding a copy place).

In case you want to visit France then u additionally need

1. Copy of latest bank statement
2. Copy of Health insurance card ( for all members of travel party)
3. Hotel reservation for days of stay

They are pretty good. If you have all the documents, they do it in 5 minutes.

AI does not require it

If you travel by Air India via Paris from NewArk you do not require a transit visa. I personally confirmed by AI as they do not let you get down from the plane.

Also other members on this board have had similar experience for e.g. member gc_peach.
I do not know when gcpeach travelled, but
now its Air India's word versus the French Consulate

WHich one do you prefer to believe

Yes you do.

I travelled in Sept 2002, NY to Mumbai via Paris; Delta Airlines;

Most helpdesk people at the French consulate are not be aware of 'AP' and may misguide you. However, I had sent a fax to them and got an official reply confirming the requirement of a transit visa.

BTW, it was never checked at Paris Airport - for me or my wife.
Transit visa

Dec.2003, I travelled from Newark to Chennai by Air India via Paris. They do not let you get down from the Plane. So you do not require a transit Visa and I did not have, when I travelled
Yes u do need VISA

I travelled last month. I came back only two weeks ago. Air India people tell you that you dont need transit visa.

Technically you need transit VISA. Air India people also tell you, u can get down if you want to. They say the security gate is far away, it takes lot of time, and you have to be back in 20 mins. Because of that reason we dont get off. I have seen some people getting off and coming back again.

On the day I travelled, the previous in- bound Air India flight was delayed by a day. The people coming to US were stayed in Paris for a day. If that happens, then you will be in trouble if you dont have transit visa.

IMHO, its better to get the VISA to be on safer side, may be you will not use it.

Also its quite easy get the transit visa. The French consulate people are very helpful.

Hope this helps
Transit visa is not for those people who have a no incident travel. This is a safety measure European countries take if there is a security breach in the flight we travel. So we stay in the flight or get down, better we go according to the requirements of the country we travel through. What if there is some technical problem in the flight we travel and we had to get down.......Just my thoughts.
Transit Visa

You do not need a transit visa for Paris. I just got back from INDIA last weekend. They dont even let you get down from the plane if you are taking AI. So no question of Transit Visa.

Sorry to SAY this but the INFO I was looking for is for Air France Where I have a lag of 4 hrs in Paris and I will be changing Planes.

Here is the memo I saw on one of the threads. It clearly mentions that if you have advance parole (I-512), then you dont need transit visa...

I just spoke to visa specialist in the French Consulate in NY. She said she is the one who actualy issues the Trnasit Visa.

It seems that they are aware of the memo from Atlanta Consulate, but she said that is Atlanta and this in NY. In NY they have a different policy.

I mentioned that how does that matter as the Visa is for Paris so whether Leaving from NY or Atlanta, it should have the same rule..

Anyway she said the official word in NY is that if you dont have valid visa or GC, then one needs a Transit Visa for PARIS even if the plane lands there for 10 min and you dont get down..

As far as AI is concerned, she said the rule is from the Embassy and all the airlines have to follow it.

The visa cannot be applied by mail. Its 44.30 $ like daj mentions(thanks for the details) and basically covers your trip only... ie if you have a open ticket or oneway planned, then forget it...

British DATV is better. its valid for 5 yrs and can be applied by mail and its good for AI, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic (more choice of Airlines this way)...

thanks everyone...
Hi! Do we need a transit visa if you have your passport stamped for GC but do not have the Plastic Card. I am planning to make a trip soon (Air France) and don't have my physical card yet.
Transit visas

Yes, French consulate in NY maintains that you need a transit visa when you travel on AP or even with a stamped passport. But during my recent travel (Dec/Jan), I was never asked to show my transit visa inspite of me spending a day and close to $50 in obtaining one. Frankly, I think this is a big money spinner for all these European countries. I await the day when the long haul flights will take us directly to India so I can rain u**ne on these bloody leeches!
You are right about the leech part. Its sure a ripoff.
Thats why I am going to go by BA, as I can do British Transit Visa by mail instead of talking half a day off for Paris Trasit Visa.
Transit Visa Thru Paris Travel by AIR-INDIA

I know somebody in this forum got a memo from atlanta French
consulate as Airport Transit Visa is not required if you have
AP approved(I-512),
can you fax me that memo, it would be a big help as iam travelling soon to India.

Your Help will be appreciated.

the memo is attached couple of posts above in this very thread.
Download it.
Plus the instructions on Air France website for People traveliing out of NY/NJ are clearly mentioned...
What will/can happen if u travel on AP w/o Transit Visa?

I believe Transit Visa is needed if u need to break journey. Also, person can also get Transit Visa at the airport too. I got it once at airport.

Pls elaborate rather than just saying u want to be ripped off by embassy scam.
Comn guys whts the big deal in getting a transit visa as it only takes around 44 bucks , since we are spending a lot of money on the G.C. process, this thing is not that big and also why do we want to take risks when travelling to india for a nice break from our work,just take it easy and dont assume that we dont need a transit vissa if we dont get off from the palne kind of things ,u never know whats gone happen if u are travelling always be on the safe side that is my opinion.

Thanks to you all ,
