Transit thru Frankfurt, please help


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I have permanent resident stamp in my passport which is issued few days back. Therefore, I don't have the plastic card yet. If you happen to travel in this situtation thru frankfurt in recent days, could you please tell me whether I need German transit visa or just the I-551 stamp will work?

Even if you did not travel in recent days, if you happen to have authentic information about this please post here.

I am trying to contact German Embassy, but could not get hold on them by phone. According to their web site "If I have the permanent residence permit, I don't need transit visa". I am not sure what they accept as permanent residence permit.

I am a national of Bangladesh...
Call up Airlines and find out.I dont think you need a Transit Visa if your going Via Frankfurt. In feb when i went, no one asked for a Transit Visa in Frankfurt.
Even if they ask, you can show them your Passport Stamp along with you 485 Approval copy
2.5rs that is not correct. these days u do need TV If you are on any visa & foreign national. I was about to buy ticket to go to India via FF but then i called consulate and learned that i do need TV so i changed my route to Amsterdam.
Sahin I don't know how it will impact ur case. U better call German consulate & ask them. U've to get hold of them dude; i know their phone system is really sucky & i had to play with their "puzzling" options for 10-15 minutes b4 i cud spk to a german chick..
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you are right. I just talked to German Consulate at Chicago. The operator lady repetedly told me that I need actual plastic green card. The I-551 stamp won't work.

So amcom, If I travel thru Amsterdam, I don't need visa, right? May be I will change my route.
Amsterdam shouldn't be a problem for you also though ur nationality is different so better check with them but I'm pretty sure its same rule for India/Bangladesh. But good thing with netherland consulate is that you can directly go to smaller consualtes in cities and get TV in a day if needed. I live in Minneapolis and netherland has smaller version of consulate here and its a walk-in process of few hours. If you go to netherland consulate website this will take you to Bloomington or St. Paul office(can't remember which one) and then you can call and it will be answered in 1st minute.

Thanks amcom,
I talked to Netharland consulate also. They also require visa even though I have I-551 funny stamp ;)

The rule is same for India and Bangladesh. I also live in Minneapolis (Apple Valley).

Good to know that they have office in minneapolis and can process the visa right there.
Is this discussion about Transit Visas or airport transit visas (looks like most countries distinguish betwen the two)? I have a H1B visa and will be travelling thru europe in nex few months
I am not sure about Transit Visa

I travelled to India recently and came back this week. I used my H-1 visa to re-enter the US. I did not have, and did not need, a transit VISA at Frankfurt.
German consulate has confusion

Even German consulate has confusion. For the people on Advance if you call Atlanta German consulate they say you do not need transit visa. If you Call/E-mail Houston German consulate they say transit visa is required.

I suggested my friend to have it. Who want go under all those tension in last moment?
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You arr right tammy2....It just costs $13. What the hell???? We have gone thru a lot...........This is nothing compare to what we had so far (I-485 waiting.....)
612-371-5790 this is the number to talk to Netherland consulate in Minneapolis. For advance Parolee/H/L visas holder no Transit visa required if flying thru Amsterdam(Frankfurt - required).
Sahin in ur case i guess that 551 makes the difference. I live in Eden Prairie.
good luck
US immigration assumes temp stamp same as plastic card

I wonder why Netherland and Germany don't have this confusion. Some choose to have a I-94 like temp card, may be that will look for realistic to them. I still think this is a confusion that they have. I remember Pork Chop travelled to Europe, we should ask him if he had any experience.