Transferred to SJ

Hi ruxrux, could you let me know the number for CSC? I called the NSC number once, no use at all. Just wonder if there is a number I can call to talk to an IIO that knows something about the case.
leeee - I don't have the number any more, but I'm sure you'll find it if you serach for 949 in the forum
The interview appointment came today - amazingly fast!!! After only 9 days! My wife and me have an interview in San Jose CIS on 8/18 at 9:30 AM.

I'll update the appropriate tracker as well.
ruxrux said:
The interview appointment came today - amazingly fast!!! After only 9 days! My wife and me have an interview in San Jose CIS on 8/18 at 9:30 AM.


I'm happy to hear that! basically, the inerview made only few weeks difference in your case. You didn't have to wait months... ;)
Good luck!
Thats great news ruxrux. I see light at the end of the tunnel
Can you please post what documents are asked
Thanx in advance.
Congratulations! Rux. Had you get an RFE you would have waited longer. This has done more good to you than you thought!

Best of luck. You should get approved now.

For those who have been sending faxes without any result (I did too), try the following:

Have your lawyer call (949) 389-3007 / (949) 389-3252 and ask them why the Jan/Feb/Mar case has not been approved although the JIT date has moved forward. In my case the IIO promised my lawyer to process within 3 weeks and kept their promise. Give it a try folks.

Congratulations!! and Good Luck for the interveiw. Its quite fast and seems transfer is for your good.

CONGRATULATIONS! :) VERY VERY GLAD to see that. Just a couple of weeks to go before approval. :)

(Apologize for the all caps, but no other way to express emotions in a bland 2 dimensional forum. I wasn't shouting, just excited). :)
anybody know how much time Los angeles is taking.
Ruxrux was was even faster than an RFE or 2nd FPs
Rux rux What I dont understand why they want to see proof of your marriage.
Isnt yours an emplyment case
I guess it's because of my wife - she'll get the GC based on being married to me. Noone knows the ways of CIS.
I also see that you guys have differnt times for interviews.
is that common or just a formality . you will take interviews together.??
We'll probably have interview together. This is just a formality, CIS needs to schedule 1 hour for both of us.
was going thru your posting regarding your interview letter.
They ask for medicals????
i dont have original medicals .I filed in the medicals in a sealed envelop with the application. The doctor didnt give me a copy or rather he shouldnt be giving me a copy.