Transferred to Newark.. why ? why ?


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Need your help to understand this situation cos I am almost freaking out after this long never ending GC saga.

I got an RFE for Emp Letter on 10/02/03. I had to change my job in 07/16/03 due to outsourcing of my system, and am with that employer but my job is still the same and everything still remains the same.(No gap at all between jobs) The Letter was sent with whatever was asked with the explanation of this situation and using the rule of AC -21.

Today My status changed to :-
On Nov 25th we transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to our office in NEWARK AND TETERBORO, NJ for them to schedule and conduct your interview. Scheduling can take several months. Our office in NEWARK AND TETERBORO, NJ will notify you when they schedule your interview or take other action on your case. ........

1.Why would this happen ?
2.what does it mean ?
3.How long does it take to schedule an interview ?
4.Who gets the letter ? (me or lawyer)
5. Does the lawyer accompany us (allowed to) to the Interview ?
Has anyone come across this situation ?

Please reply....
Thanks for all your replies.
According to my lawyer most cases are now being transferred to local offices for interviews because of certain backlogs at the service center. Most of the time is has nothing to do with job change or any other valid reason. You normally get the interview letter along with a list of the required documents to bring. My advise, bring everything you can possibly think off, both originals and copies. Yes your lawyer is allowed to come to the interview with you. As you had a job change they mostly likely will ask for a financial report from the new company. That happened in my case and I didn't have it with me when I went to the interview because it wasn't on the list. So I had to send it in to the officer after the interview, now I'm just waiting for her to make a decision. It's been 2 months now. My case was transferred from vermont to, NYC federal plaza then to Garden City, NY where I had my interview. It took about 8 months for me to get an interview.
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newark is fast. About to mouth to get an interview. If FP doesnt expire, can approve on spot. Otherwise another 2 mouth or more before u get approval letter
To J4life95

Thanks J4life95 and GCneedhelp for u'r reply.
J4life95, Both my firms the old and the new are big corporate financial firms. Would I still need to take the financial results ? cos if it is not mentioned in the letter , I wonder if the HR would give it ?
Also correct me if I m wrong. FP is valid for 15 months. Mine was done on Dec 17th 2002. If I dont get my interview within next
2 1/2 months , it will expire. What then ? can I go on my own and get it done before the interview or I have to wait till they tell me (which they will) again in the interview ?
When will this GC saga end ???
It really depends on the interviewing officer, the one that interviewed me wasn't even sure if I needed to show a financial report. She actually had to go and ask her supervisor during the interview. I guess she was just beinga pain, because my lawyer told me that it wasn't necessary for my case. Financial reports are given out to anyone who ask for it, just go to human resources. Get reports for about 3 yrs back, or you can go online to your companies website and they should have it there. Normally along with your appointment letter you get a fingerprint appointment. They normally give you an appointment like a month before the interview. I had to go for fingerprints for a second time,because my first one expired. One thing that I learnt during the interview was that the interviewing officer has no clue who's case they are going to get. It is randomly given out to them when the interview is about to start. So you don't know for sure what documents they will ask for, each one is different.
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You should feel happy that it has been transferred to local INS.
You can be reasonably certain with local transfers to Newark.

Can you please post your details. You mentioned that you got RFE
on Oct 02. Did you reply to that and if so when.

I appreciate if you post your details.



My details :-

RD :- 03/22/02
ND :- 04/10/02
RFE :- 10/02/03
RFE Recvd :- 10/30/03
Status changed to Interview :- 11/25/03

Transfers to Newark office

hi rajum

thanks for some reassurance. mine was transferred last July 6, 2004 and things went trhough my mind -- that they're not going to approve my case, etc. Well, I'll just wait for the letter and let you all know what happened.


rajum said:
You should feel happy that it has been transferred to local INS.
You can be reasonably certain with local transfers to Newark.

Can you please post your details. You mentioned that you got RFE
on Oct 02. Did you reply to that and if so when.

I appreciate if you post your details.
