Transferred case approved at SF office


Registered Users (C)
Our case was initially filed with VSC in March, 2001 (EB2 and future-employment based, the petitioning company is located in NJ and we always work in California)

In Jan, 2004, our case was said to be "transferring" to SF local USCIS office for interview and after many times of phone inquiries and letter/fax sent over to them from my wife and the attorney, an office finally (after 7-8 months of newless waiting) get in touch with the attorney(in NJ) earlier this month and indicated that interview is unnecessary, however, we do need to surrender some docuemnt.
Here is the list:
1. 2 recent paystubs
2. future employment company employment letter
3. current company's employment letter (from HR)
4. current company's last 2 years income tax (since I'm working for a public company, downloaded the 10-K SEC filings online ;-))
5. all original Advance Paroles
6. I-89 form filled up. (order green card?)
7. Supplemental I-485A form (there is a 3-week gap between my OPT and H-1 application date, thus I have to surrender 1000 bucks fee for it, good gov biz)
8: Publicly notorized Affidavit of Non-criminal record. (for both me and my wife: cost 10 bucks each)
9. 2003, 2002 W-2 forms and Federal tax returns
10. They also requested similar(fewer) documents from my wife, but since she is derivative, attorney composed a letter to convinence the officer that she obligates nothing to USCIS.

We surrendered the document last Thursday and the officer kindly called me yesterday, while I was hiking around the office building, telling me that the approval notice will be sent out today, then we can get stamped with the approval notice at SF office later on.

3.5 years since we initially filed LC...
2.5 years since we filed I-485...
man... I can hardly say it's a relief or not, it's simply like you have been hanging up there for too long and the original goal was almost intangible; all your energy have burned off with it.

It's something we call: 鸡肋. C'est la vie folks.
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I shall add more details on the day (last Thursday) we drove to SF USCIS office with the appointment letter to surrender our proof.
The office is on the 2nd floor, a very nice female receptionist welcomed us and we were called about 5 minutes  later, an African american lady came out to get us in for:  index finger finger-printing and printing our names on the card (spearately, of course, the form seems to be used for GC?) , then the old lady told us to surrender our documents to the receptionist at the front-desk.

We tried to explain to her that there is a form which is related to future-employment case that needs to be signed by me right before the immigration officer, obviously she didn't initially care about this. My wife called our NJ attonrey immediately and the attorney contacted the assigned officer to come out and see us, I oathed before him (and the old lday) and paid $1000 fine (see above) to USCIS, he also answered some of our questions then we are dismissed with his words that: your cases will be approved by the end of this month.

It was yesterday. Not too bad.
I also heard some news from Attorney ...

that there is a reform which is either california-wide or SF specific.

By 9/28 this year, all backlogged cases have to be processed.
But I don't have exact words on this.
Wish the best luck for folks who are still hanging there.
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You said your GC is for future employment right!, are you planning to work for new employer or did you use AC21 already to work with current employer,

rickysun said:
Our case was initially filed with VSC in March, 2001 (EB2 and future-employment based, the petitioning company is located in NJ and we always work in California)

In Jan, 2004, our case was said to be "transferring" to SF local USCIS office for interview and after many times of phone inquiries and letter/fax sent over to them from my wife and the attorney, an office finally (after 7-8 months of newless waiting) get in touch with the attorney(in NJ) earlier this month and indicated that interview is unnecessary, however, we do need to surrender some docuemnt.
Here is the list:
1. 2 recent paystubs
2. future employment company employment letter
3. current company's employment letter (from HR)
4. current company's last 2 years income tax (since I'm working for a public company, downloaded the 10-K SEC filings online ;-))
5. all original Advance Paroles
6. I-89 form filled up. (order green card?)
7. Supplemental I-485A form (there is a 3-week gap between my OPT and H-1 application date, thus I have to surrender 1000 bucks fee for it, good gov biz)
8: Publicly notorized Affidavit of Non-criminal record. (for both me and my wife: cost 10 bucks each)
9. 2003, 2002 W-2 forms and Federal tax returns
10. They also requested similar(fewer) documents from my wife, but since she is derivative, attorney composed a letter to convinence the officer that she obligates nothing to USCIS.

We surrendered the document last Thursday and the officer kindly called me yesterday, while I was hiking around the office building, telling me that the approval notice will be sent out today, then we can get stamped with the approval notice at SF office later on.

3.5 years since we initially filed LC...
2.5 years since we filed I-485...
man... I can hardly say it's a relief or not, it's simply like you have been hanging up there for too long and the original goal was almost intangible; all your energy have burned off with it.

It's something we call: 鸡肋. C'est la vie folks.

great news. Can you give more detail about phone inquiries and letter/fax? Where did you address those inquiries to?
So your case is indeed transferred to SF office and you got the letter saying it is for interview, right?
The SF local office just approved my case as well. It had been transferred to the local office from VSC on 3 March 04. I got a notice from them about two weeks ago asking me to come in for a fast track interview. Went in, submitted my docs (tax papers, employment letter etc) on the 10th. Got my approval letter on the 21st.
Very quick!

Just as a background, my 485 was filed at CSC in May 02. It got mysteriously transferred to VSC a year later, who then transferred it to SF this year. Best of luck to all of you.
How to make SF look at transfer cases?

Can you give more detail about phone inquiries and letter/fax? Where did you address those inquiries to? I want to find out how I can push them for the interview or approval at SF office for cases transferred from the center that was file 2-3 years ago. Thanks.

rickysun said:
Our case was initially filed with VSC in March, 2001 (EB2 and future-employment based, the petitioning company is located in NJ and we always work in California)

In Jan, 2004, our case was said to be "transferring" to SF local USCIS office for interview and after many times of phone inquiries and letter/fax sent over to them from my wife and the attorney, an office finally (after 7-8 months of newless waiting) get in touch with the attorney(in NJ) earlier this month and indicated that interview is unnecessary, however, we do need to surrender some docuemnt.
Here is the list:
1. 2 recent paystubs
2. future employment company employment letter
3. current company's employment letter (from HR)
4. current company's last 2 years income tax (since I'm working for a public company, downloaded the 10-K SEC filings online ;-))
5. all original Advance Paroles
6. I-89 form filled up. (order green card?)
7. Supplemental I-485A form (there is a 3-week gap between my OPT and H-1 application date, thus I have to surrender 1000 bucks fee for it, good gov biz)
8: Publicly notorized Affidavit of Non-criminal record. (for both me and my wife: cost 10 bucks each)
9. 2003, 2002 W-2 forms and Federal tax returns
10. They also requested similar(fewer) documents from my wife, but since she is derivative, attorney composed a letter to convinence the officer that she obligates nothing to USCIS.

We surrendered the document last Thursday and the officer kindly called me yesterday, while I was hiking around the office building, telling me that the approval notice will be sent out today, then we can get stamped with the approval notice at SF office later on.

3.5 years since we initially filed LC...
2.5 years since we filed I-485...
man... I can hardly say it's a relief or not, it's simply like you have been hanging up there for too long and the original goal was almost intangible; all your energy have burned off with it.

It's something we call: 鸡肋. C'est la vie folks.
"We tried to explain to her that there is a form which is related to future-employment case that needs to be signed by me right before the immigration officer, obviously she didn't initially care about this."

Hi rickysun, what is this form you mentioned in your post.

I'm in a similar situation. Can you please post the details of all the documents that you submitted?

Thanks in advance,