transferd to Baltimore MD


Registered Users (C)

My case has just been transfered to local Maryland office. Anybody knows:

1). Is the document transfered to local office electronic or by regular post office mail? and how long will it take?

2). How long will it take for processing in Baltimore MD to get interview?

3). My RD was 11/5/01, EAC-02-056-53xxx, it is close to 540 days. I though my case will be approved directly in Vermont instead of being transfered to local. because similar RD cases have been transfered to MD in Oct 2002 and already approved half year ago. I called Vermont several days ago, and a lady told me to call again 30 days later, then it turned out my case be transfered to local. Anybody has similar situation? Was the transfer due to my phone call?

4). besides of interview, what else they will ask or request? Anybody recently be transfered to Baltimore?


Is yours an National Interest Waiver (NIW) or EB-1 case?

Baltimore is faster compared to many other local centers - you should be hearing from them soon.

Best wishes,

Likely, you will get Interview notice in 2 - 4 weeks. Please see my post in other thread. My case was: TD 3/5 and ID: 4/15

Hi Gchello,

How was your interview?

If you posted your experience here - probably I missed it.

How did you resolve the job related questions?

Did they ask for verification for national interest activities?

Did they tell/hint you why your case was transferred?

Sorry for many questions. If you wish, you can send me private mail (or e-mail: ).

Thank you.

Hi Jigesh,

(How was your interview?) My interview was very simple and smooth.

(How did you resolve the job related questions?) My appointment with government Lab continues thanks to budget issue in March.

(Did they ask for verification for national interest activities?) No questions were asked about employment situation. Just make sure the approvals of I-140 and J1 2-year waiver.

(Did they tell/hint you why your case was transferred?) No. I guess to verify some points. One friend with NIW and filled around Nov 2001 was interviewed (in Feb 2003) and asked to show original emp letter, copies of w2/tax return, IAP-66, waiver letter, H1 paper etc. Actually I provided all copies associated with staying in US (IAP-66, waiver letter) when filling I-485. However, I prepared huge documents for the interview and not required, but I will keep them. You see, interview varies from offficer to officer.

Have a nice weekend!
Thanks GChello

i filed 485 from MD in July 2002. but I have to move with wife to Northeast. Though service ctr is same, I dont know what to do if case gets transferred to Baltimore right when I am in the process of moving.
Also even if job is in same field...there would be more questions ( i think) and what if i dont get job when I move.
Any ideas on how to go about it...GChello ..Jigesh or any other helpful person.
Hi Anand,

If you get approval without transfer, no problem. If you get an RFE, also less of a problem. However, if transferred to Baltimore, here are a few things to consider:

If you appear at Baltimore center for interview, and meanwhile if you have settled in the north-east, most likely they would transfer your case to the nearest INS center in your new area for interview. This may cause additional delay. However, if you maintain MD driver's license, pay MD state income taxe and have a job/job offer in MD, probably you can get away by "temporary" staying in the northeast but by maintaining "permanent" residence in MD. This is my wild guess only.

Also, what will you do about AR-11 after moving? However, even if you file AR-11, that does not mean your I-485 will have your updated address because AR-11 is mailed to a different address and I doubt they are so fast in keeping all this track.

About your concerns if you can't find a job in the northeast: I can't recollect for sure whether yours was an EB-1 or NIW or other case. If yours was a self-petitioned NIW, no job is required. However, a job offer would help. If you can produce evidence/letter showing something like "your current unemployment is due to research funds running out, but waiting for the grant renewal and would be re-employed then" - might help. I am not 100% sure - this is just my shot. To be on safe side, collect other evidence of continuing NIW activities - like your publications/prize/awards, etc. that took place after I-140 approval. I would recommend taking a competent lawyer with you during the interview, especially if you happen to have no job at that time. Please read carefully the following:

Read 4th Q at:

Read 1st Q at:

Keep us posted for any developments on your case.

Best wishes,


Disclaimer: Personal non-legal point of view only.
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Thank you Jigesh

My case is NIW but my boss is retiring and our NIH funds have lapsed. May get renewal next year. Hence have to find something in the "in between" period. I wont be getting paid at that time here..hence would not be paying MD taxes. also my wife has a new job in Northeast. so have to move there. I will probably get a letter from present employer like you said.
I will keep everyone posted about how things go.

p.s regarding Ar-11..even though it goes to kentucky, I had sent it to vermont also. hence for the EAD renewal we got the new cards at the new address when we recently made an intrastate move.
Hi Gchello,

I am very encouraged by your comment that your ID was just a month or so after your transfer date! My lawyer had told me it could be 6 months or more!

My case is a little bit odd (I'd posted about it in another thread) as I am a dependent applicant. My husband (primary applicant, EB-2) was recently approved outright (no interview) and already got his PP stamped last week in Baltimore. For some reason, they want to interview me. I have been preparing as many documents as I can (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.) in anticipation of this. But it would be great if the interview will be soon!
to pegh

Hi, pegh

Coold you put what date is transfered to Baltmore MD from VT Center and when your hasband got interview letter from Baltmore.

I appreciate if you can answer this question

Hi Taconic,

My husband was approved outright, no interview. We saw on the BCIS online tracking site that his approval was on 3/31/03 and my case was transferred to the local office on 4/1/03. Our lawyer got the original notice for both our cases about two weeks later (4/11/03) and we got the courtesy copy of his approval on 4/12/03.

Since our lawyer is out of state (we are in MD, she is in OH) her office had to Fedex my husband's original approval notice to us and he went for the PP stamping last Wednesday, 4/16/03. My case is awaiting interview schedule. Really hoping it won't take much longer!
Thanks to pegh

Hi, pegh

Thank you so much for your information. I appreciate if you can post on this forum when you got interview schedule from baltmore, MD. Thanks.
