Transfer of J1 waiver


New Member
Hi, I am doing J1 waiver job since last 6 months. I have unfair working environment and want to change the job. How difficult it is and what are the consequences ? I do have evidence for it , i am trying to resolve through proper channel but looks like it is not going to resolve.
Any suggestions ?
Thank you.
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You can change employer if you want but the problem is that you already working on the waiver and I assume your paper work is in the DOS or USCS now. transfer will new DS to you and this supposed to be updated in your waiver file where ever the file is. This will adversely affect your waiver to the extent of rejection. The DOS and USCIS are not dealing with hostile environments, courts does.
Human resources officials normally take your assertions very seriously. If they are not finding merit to your claims, there is likely another problem. Are you sure you are not mistaking your cultural differences and your difficuties adjusting to US life and work styles as hostility where none exists? If so, changing jobs will not solve your problem. You might want to try psycological counseling to determine if it is indeed the environment you are working in or whether you need to adjust your expectations to US norms.
Transfer of J1

Thank you for your comments. HR is trying to resolve the problem but hostile environment is from my supervisor and CRNA. I don't think it is going to resolve.
Any more suggestions ?