Transfer of H1B from company A to Company B and its implications

I am working in India. I have H1B Visa ,valid upto Sept 2003, processed by company A. Company A is delaying to send me to US. Now, company B , a US based one, is urging me to get down in US with company A visa and has promised me to file my case with INS for transfer to their company. Given this background, here are my questions?.
1) Once Company A has found that i am going to US to join Company B, can they cancel their H1B. (Since H1B is employer specific)
2) What are the procedures adapted in canceling the H1B Visa , duration taken to effect the cancellation and the required fee involved?.
3) Company B is willing to fill H1B petition immediately after i land up in US(though i have H1B visa through company A i am not going to work with them). Is it possible for company B to do it?.
4) While Company B is filling the H1B petition, do they have to produce my Paystub from Company A or it is not needed?.
5) Is company B only be able to file the H1B petition for transfer after i am getting down in US?.How much is the fee charged to effect the transfer?.
6) If the petition filed by Company B is not approved by INS, can i go back and join company A or my H1B visa, obtained through company A, stands cancelled and i have to leave US?.
Please clarify

Thanks for your service

Sincerely Yours,
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I know 3 friends who did same thing. Don\'t worry nobody cancelling. Its costly for them. & decrease company valuation in INS. So difficult for next H1B approval in that company.
Go ahead & Enjoyee it.
But If Your B company is consulting company don\'t trust on them. Always keep writing form conasulting company. They are always Chodu...i have seen many friends who are facing problems from consulting companies. In india many conasulting company collobrate with IPO indian company..So be carefull about those small IPO company too.

Hope this will help you all.
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I am also passing through similar situation. The only difference is that the original employer has shown readiness in helping me for immigration. He would not be responsible for financial things, but not create problems if I take job with some other company. The other company is ready to apply for tranfer of my H1b within a week. I came to know that it does not require any paystub from original employer. However, there must be some proof required like appointment letter. I would like to know if there is any special requirement.
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HI Biren

Transfering of H1 To H1 is easy but you surely requires recent paystubs and W2 form Can your company provides all these things? if so you can transfer your H1 or you can work for your original company and get pay stubs at least two and go for transfer if its 1 st year of H1 if its 2 nd year of H1 they will ask for 1st years w2 its must for transfer anddont believe the people who are saying some thing always go on safe ride, ok

take care

