Traking DOL list for California due to 245I Part 3

desarihp: No new cases after 2/4/02

In my company\'s list which i get from automated mail, there are no cases entered received after 2/4/02. There are two possibilities, either my company did not have cases after that for long time or they did not enter the data. Please send more info on that, if someone has it.

The latest Case # as of 2/4/02 is : 095168XX , so from 1/25 - 2/4, there are roughly around :
1/25 - 095162XX
2/4 - 095168XX (500+ cases)

Thats true !! Dont go by Case No.s

Case Nos are not assigned in a sequential manner and they have their own system of alloting 09xxxxx No. to each of the case.

This may depend on DOT Classification or RIR/Non RIR or Cases coming to them from various other states, Amnesty 245(i) cases - We dont know !

Check with DOL SFO Auto M/c by feeding few current no.s (about 10 ) at a difference of 50 or 100 and u \'ll come to know.The corresponding recpt. dates M/c spells out are never sequential...

The no. is 415-975-4617 ...Try it out....

The best way to check / predict status of your case is by the recpt date and if DOL says they are processing 2nd of Nov that means they are processing Nov 2nd +/- one week.They update their status every Monday morning on No.415-975-4601
DOL is expected to take no more that 30-90 days to process but yes there are delays and we dont know why

Best Regards,

Gosh!! It took 2 months for SESA - DOL...

MY case was cleared by SESA on 15th Nov 2001 and the RD for SFO DOL is 10th Jan 2002. Took 2 months just for receipt from Sacremento - SFO. I wud have walked 50 times between Sacremento - SFO in the meanwhile...This is unbelivable....
Do we have a similar table for SESA

Do we have a similar table for SESA to track the processing speed. If so could you guys post it. for the period of July20th to Dec\'02


Is this the information given by your attorney...if so, that may not be true...because, it happened to me also...send a mail to with your DOL case#(get from your attorney) get the automated reply... The RD should be within a week of SESA approval
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I think DOL is processing just Regular cases. Some of the cases processed yesterday are 09502090, 09502096.

None of the 2nd NOV cases were approved from this week.

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Thanks for the update, thats some really nice work.
I was looking at the case numbers and my case was transfered to DOL on the 13th, my case number does not fall in the date range that you have shown. Are we missing something here. I assume the dates you are showing are the transfer date from SESA to DOL.

Thanks again.
no move at all for 8 days

I didn\'t see any move on RIR cases since Last Thursday. From yesterday, email inquiry seemed stop working.
cant we apply for rir and regular LCs at the same time

Since INS is more likely to reject RiR candidates, is it possible to have two applications being processed at the same time. (one in the regular stream and one in the RiR stream).

Does this new DOL rule

affect existing DOL applications in the pipeline or does it affect the new ones coming after the SESA State Labor clearance....??
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Guys, I\'m tired...frustrated, hopless and helpless...

U.S is more interested in illegal people than skilled workers...huh !!!