Tracking Packet 3 For Montreal: Ara2000, Torontorian, Eelavan, SteveD, Bob Cobb et al


Registered Users (C)
Montreal CP aspirants (Ara2000 et al),

Has anyone sent Packet 3 for Montreal in November / December? Please post your information here. (Date P3 received by you, Date when you sent P3, etc.)

Torontorian, Eelavan, SteveD, Bob Cobb et al:
When does NVC acknowledge receipt of Packet 3:
 - after we send it to St. Louis, OR
 - after St. Louis sends it to NVC?

I guess in the latter case we won\'t know of it for another 4-5 weeks? Do they send any RD/ND etc.?

Sorry I don\'t know the answers.
But, I don\'t think NVC acknowledges
the receipt of Pkt 3.
Good Luck,
No Title

Look up, it contains a ton of useful info,
though unfortunately, the montreal CPers have not contributed much
to it.

NVC does not send explicit acks for the receipt of your pkt 3, but
you can always call them and ask about the status, including the
pkt 3 receipt date.

However, NVC can be helpful only after St Louis forwards your Pkt 3
to them (which might take a couple of weeks), and no, you can not
call St Louis to get info from them.

So, but for the time it takes to reach NVC ( a few weeks), you can
always call up NVC and they usually give you reasonable status
No Title

Pkt 3 received on 11/27/01.
Pkt 3 mailed on 12/10/01 with the original documents.
gcDrone you are requesting others to post their dates how about you posting your dates as well :)
I\'m sure you have it posted somewhere but it will be nice to have it here also.


Packet 3 received: 11/26.
Packet 3 sent with originals: 12/3.
(Note: My case is being handled by a lawyer. So the dates are when I see emails. I don\'t know the actual dates, they may be a few days earlier.)

We may be looking at an April interview, if there are no queries.

Ara2000, did you send OF-169? My packet 3 didn\'t mention it.
More dates from cptracker:

Montreal wait is looong. Those who can do CP elsewhere (India, UK, etc.), should think twice before opting for Montreal.
Posted By P3 Mailed on Interview Date
gcDrone 12/3/2001
Ara2000 12/10/2001
Morgan 11/30/2001
sfamily 10/25/2001
Sun 9/20/2001 12/17/2001
Canediann 8/20/2001
Veteran 8/9/2001 12/??/2001
Newbie 8/3/2001 12/20/2001
Stevo 7/5/2001 10/12/2001
DesiBird 6/25/2001 10/19/2001
Eugene Hernan 5/30/2001 8/21/2001
shriranga 4/17/2001 7/24/2001
optimistic 3/28/2001 7/19/2001
Dinesh S 3/22/2001 7/27/2001
tzcan 3/20/2001 7/25/2001
sandeep 3/15/2001
shaamer 2/27/2001 6/11/2001
montreal cp 2/24/2001 7/9/2001
cpmtl 2/7/2001 4/27/2001
citylover 2/6/2001 5/7/2001
CP Hopeful 12/20/2000 5/14/2001
Sandeep Desai 10/1/2000 3/8/2001

After St. Louis sents packet 3 to NVC. At that time NVC schedules an interview. (after sending list to DC at 20th of each month)
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Havent got the interview scheduled yet. After NVC got my packet, they wanted me to give PROOF why I should be allowed to go to Montreal. My wife is a Canadian citizen. So I am entitled to it.

I had even called them "n" number of times and all the time, they said that my case is ok since wife is a canadian citizen. We also had sent her passport copy as proof.

Finally, my lawyer sent an answer to their query around end of Nov.

Waiting to see what happens! Hopefully my paperwork will be done before Dec 20th and will get an interview in 2 months time.

Just worried about the PCC I have for Canada and India for my wife, and for India for myself. I hope they are considered valid for 12 months! I have seen conflicting info here. Anyone knows the real numbers for their validity?


Sorry to hear about your case. PCCs need to be valid through your Packet 3 review. In your case, it looks like the first review is complete, so validity should not be a concern. As an aside, PCCs are usually valid for 12 months.

By the way, how did you learn about NVC\'s question re: your eligibility - via a letter or on phone? Was there a delay on part of your lawyer? Your case has spent an awful lot of time in NVC.
Ara2000: about OF-169

I didn\'t get an OF-169. Upon checking with NVC, I was told that I should send DS-230 part I and II in Packet 3. Apparently I wasn\'t required to fill out OF-169.

Looks like they try out different procedures with different applicants!

Anyways, our packets were mailed around the same time. Let\'s keep in touch over this thread.
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My attorney said that my Pkt 3 did not have OF-169 either but he thought that was missing in the Pkt so he made one up himself. May be you\'re right its not needed but who cares if they don\'t need it let them trash it I guess. Technically since we are submitting the originals that OF-169 doesn\'t make sense.
ARA2000: Please update your status.

Any luck with NVC? I called them today. They still haven\'t received my packet 3 docs from St. Louis.
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NVC received mine yesterday (12/26/01) as I was talking to the operator. He said we just got it this morning from St. Louis. By the way in my previous posts I thought my lawyer submitted my Pkt 3 on 12/10/01 but it turned out that he actually mailed it on 12/17/01 and St. Louis received it on 12/19/01 at 6:10 AM (he mailed me a copy of the USPS tracking). I remember yours being mailed much sooner than mine (12/5/01?). Also, my lawyer did not feel safe to mail the original documents and he stamped the copies with his seal as Attorney Certified. He only sent the original Police Certificate since I had it in duplicate. Keep me posted with your details.
Yes, on December 27th.

I called them up today after reading your post :) They received it on December 27th. The operator wasn\'t very optimistic though. She said it may take upto eight weeks for a case review and three months after that till interview. She added that any "RFEs" may add more time. I hope it gets done sooner.

Have you retained an attorney for this stage or are doing it on your own?

Happy New Year!
No Title

The operator who I talked to said the same thing about 6-8 weeks.
I have the same lawyer as before for my Labor and I-140. I thought this is part of the package deal that I have with him? He did not tell me anything. My last payment to him was due when I got the 140 approved, but he hasn\'t sent me the bill yet. I hope its part of the deal because he is much more expensive than others.