Tracking DOL list for California due to 245i

chakirvyas----DOL case #: -NA----- RD 04-OCT-2001 Approved

I just saw chakirvyas\'s message in the other thread that his case has been approved. I guess mine is nowhere close to be approved, but has anyone whose RD is on October 1 got his/her case approved?


Haifei Zheng--DOL case #: 095055xx RD 01-OCT-2001
tanenbaum-----DOL case #: 095055XX RD 01-OCT-2001
chakirvyas----DOL case #: -NA----- RD 04-OCT-2001
luckstar------DOL case #: 09507xxx RD 29-OCT-2001
gumnaam-------DOL case #: ---N/A-- RD 29-NOV-2001
gungru--------DOL case #: --n/a--- RD 04-DEC-2001

  is there a new case# assigned by DOL or should the same case no. be valid still
How to check the case status

  Could you tell me how to check the case status using DOL AVM and email system?


No Title

Haifei Zheng--DOL case #: 095055xx RD 01-OCT-2001
tanenbaum-----DOL case #: 095055XX RD 01-OCT-2001
chakirvyas----DOL case #: -NA----- RD 04-OCT-2001
luckstar------DOL case #: 09507xxx RD 29-OCT-2001
Kingno1-------DOL case #: ---N/A-- RD 19-Nov-2001
gumnaam-------DOL case #: ---N/A-- RD 29-NOV-2001

Hi There..

Does SESA & DOL processing happen concurrently or
sequentially ?
I mean, is it after SESA the DOL process gets kicked off.
And do we get any communication once it goes from SESA to DOL.

Your help is appreciated.


LC cases are first reviewed at state office (SESA), after state approves them, then the cases are forwarded to DOL for approval.
Thus, they do not happen concurrently: SESA first and then DOL
thanks, haifei

thanks for update. At least we know it is processing Oct. case now. though it is much slower than we expected.

Hi, I don\'t think DOL has come to the october cases yet. Chakirvyas has his case processed because his case was sent to DOL on 09/19, my case was forwarded to DOL on 09/26/2001. It was strange that Chakirvyas got a RD later than 10/01/2001. however, it seems that DOL is following the order when SESA forwards the case rather than when the case is logged in. I checked the 415-975-4601 line, and it is still processing 09/19 cases. Do you know when your case was forwarded from SESA? then you probably will have a good estimation when DOL will be processing your case.
How would you know when

How would you know when the case is sent from SESA to DOL. Does the lawyer have that information or some kind of automated phone system tell you that. Please help.....
adding myself to DOL waiting list

Haifei Zheng--DOL case #: 095055xx RD 01-OCT-2001
tanenbaum-----DOL case #: 095055XX RD 01-OCT-2001
greenEnvy-----DOL case #: 095056XX RD 02-OCT-2001
chakirvyas----DOL case #: -NA----- RD 04-OCT-2001
luckstar------DOL case #: 09507xxx RD 29-OCT-2001
gumnaam-------DOL case #: ---N/A-- RD 29-NOV-2001
gungru--------DOL case #: --n/a--- RD 04-DEC-2001

I agree. It seems to be the in the order it transferred from SESA..
My SESA->DOL forwarding date is same as yours 09/26.
My DOL RD is 10/02.
I suggest that we use the transmittal date (from SESA) since that seems to be the sequence DOL is fo

Haifei Zheng ---> 09-26-2001
estimated time at DOL

Looking at the progress of DOL, it would probably take 4 months since receipt at DOL before approval. Club that with the holidays ahead and u r looking at maybe 5 months.
what a pain.
Tracking list

Name/ID: DOL case #: DOL RD, SESA TD,

Haifei Zheng--095055xx, 01-OCT-2001, 9/26/01
tanenbaum-----095055XX, 01-OCT-2001
greenEnvy-----095056XX, 02-OCT-2001
chakirvyas-----NA-----, 04-OCT-2001
luckstar------09507xxx, 29-OCT-2001, 10/16/01
gumnaam----------N/A--, 29-NOV-2001
gungru----------n/a---, 04-DEC-2001
Tracking list - updated SESA transfer date

Name/ID: DOL case #: DOL RD, SESA TD,

Haifei Zheng--095055xx, 01-OCT-2001, 9/26/01
tanenbaum-----095055XX, 01-OCT-2001
greenEnvy-----095056XX, 02-OCT-2001, 9/26/01
chakirvyas-----NA-----, 04-OCT-2001
luckstar------09507xxx, 29-OCT-2001, 10/16/01
gumnaam----------N/A--, 29-NOV-2001
gungru----------n/a---, 04-DEC-2001