Tracker Waiting For Approval Apr/may/jun


Registered Users (C)
The contiuation for previous tracker.......

The list for people with RD in APR/MAY/JUN along with some other RD
milk.. few of these people have been approved and I updated the list. looks like

you are using some list you have locally stored. Or it is something else. Let me know what you think. Either use the last list I posted r update your list accordingly. Let\'s keep the good work started by you going..

I took the list from your latest posting and started updating. The only difference is that I removed all the tabs between the fields which makes the list difficult to read.
Sorry milk, didn\'t see that you have moved the AD column to right. My apologies. Thanks for the goo

Please correct my dates...

My Rd: 4/5/01 ND:5/3/01 FP: 11/8/01
I initially posted as MM/YY