Tracker site ( ) not working


Registered Users (C)
Hi all:

I tried to enter my I-485 information on site. But after entering all the data, it does not display my information. It is not even listed. Does any one know if the site is experiencing problems.

Also, I dont see many entries for 2002. Is it possible that many people are not able to enter their data thats why we dont have many listing for 2002. If that is the case, we should try to fix this. I have already e-mailed about this to the person who is maintaining it.

Please let me know if anyone experienced this.

Seems to be working fine ...

I tested this and it seems to be working fine. Added new user SHIMO as a TSC applicant and data saved and registered fine.

If you are trying to register a new user you click on the the Register link in the left frame. This take you to a screen that lets you try and Register a user name.

When you click the register button it take you to a screen where you enter your data including password for the ID. By default the Center is NSC and all other fields are blank. You have to enter your data on this screen and click the submit button for your data to be saved. Your new ID is not created until you click the submit button nor is the data you entered saved till then.

If you still are having problems please post or email again
Still did not work, but found the glitch


I tried to enter data again but it still did not work. I then deleted my ID and tried to re-enter data again with same user Id. And I found that if you leave the "remarks" area blank, it gives you the following error:

Error Description = [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Field \'TrackerInfo.Remarks\'
cannot be a zero-length string.

Error Number =16389

and it does not display your data. But if you put something in the remarks area, it will display your information.

This should be corrected as I guess many people may not have been able to enter (if they left that remarks area blank) their data and thats why there are very few entries for 2002.

Thank you,
Fixed the bug ...

There was a bug where if you did not enter the remarks and clicked the Submit button you would get the error. However, anyone that did this would have seen the error

I have changed it so that the Remarks section is a required field upon entry. Think the original poster has his data entered now so we are set. Just have to get more people to enter theirs to make this site more useful