Tracker for RD between Jan-2001 to Mar-2001

Any similar observation?

My observation is those who have recently done FP (in past 3 months) have had their cases approved in a month after doing FP. This is because, INS has changed their processing. Earlier they used to issue FP notices around 2 to 3 months after filing 485. Becasue FP expires in 15 months some people had to re do FP. Knowing this fact, INS is now asking to do FP only when they open their 485 cases for adjustment and upon receiving FP, issue approval immediately thereafter.

Srivinod and fundoo you should please confirm this as you did your FP recently. Please keep your dates posted.

Also, I have yet to see any one after Jan 01 ND in EB3 category who had their FP.

Please share your observations and opinions.
Updated List

FAM-----------EB2--------- India---- 12/99--- 01/16/01-- 02/09/02----- ??
Lisa1--------- EB2 ---------China ----???? ---01/23/01---02/27/02
gav911-------- ?? -----------???? ----???? ---02/26/01---05/14/01
Ray----------- EB2----------China----06/99 ---03/08/01---08/22/01 Approved
Manideep----????---------?????----11/99---3/23/01------No FP
Fundoo--------EB2-----------India------?????---01/31/01-----02/05/02 Approved

My details

PD 12/01/1999, RD 2/28/2001, ND 03/15/2001, FP 03/22/2002 (not done yet).

Also, if people can update their data on the site. The reports by Service Center will allow you to filter the data by notice date. Just an FYI.
EB1 (EA) India PD 06/13/2000 RD 03/08/2001 ND 03/21/2001 Dallas Area No FP Yet

Applied for renewal of EADs (to expire on 05/15/2002) for myself and spouse. Not trying to extend APs. Sent a Fax enquiring FP status. No response. Requested Law Office to send a letter enquiring application status along with EAD renewals; they agreed. Hoping to get FP notice by early next month (around 1 year\'s time). Placed the info. on
EB1 (EA) India PD 06/13/2000 RD 03/08/2001 ND 03/21/2001 Dallas Area; FP scheduled for 04/03/2002

Hi all,

Finally received the long awaited FP notices for me and my family members yesterday. It is scheduled for 04/03/2002. As per the direction in the letter, planning to do it as per schedule, not before. Playing it safe; what if it falls into the hands of a cranky officer who may push the file back for not having played as per the rules of the game? My friend who got his first finger printng done earlier, had to wait a long long time for the second notice; he is also playing safe now based on his past experience.

I do not anymore believe that FP notices/status adjustments are done at random at TSC. There must be separate queues based on RDs for each local center and depending on the load at a center, one with an earlier RD could be far behind in the queue. These loads change from time to time. Thus it looks like things are being picked up at random.
Randomness is in the queue sizes, not in the way applications are picked. If you are ahead in the queue, your FP will be done earlier and hence AOs also. However, there could also be exceptions like misplaced applications or IIOs helping out some cases such as that of a person whose child would soon be 21 years old, etc.

I discount the theory that TSC is nowadays waiting till AOS time and sending FP letters in order to help us avoid secong FPing. However, since our FPs are done lately, it is possible that our time for AOs has also come and hence AD will be within a month of FP date.