Tracker for NVC cases recvd/created in March -->Pkt3 >Consulate

im9999 thanks for the info. I asked my lawyer to send it by the fastest possible means.

He agreed to send it by priority mail with delivery on Thursday. I guess thats better than standard certified mail !
brb, i did not check AVM i a while.. I just spoke to operator who told me that P3 was created on 8th

I think it is no use checking the AVM as they don;t update it anyway.
folks need help ! Lawyer just said he needs return receipt after delivery at St Louis.

If he sends by Priority mail with return receipt opion, will it cause any problems /delay in delivering ?? I tried explaiing about the Express mail but he was not sure about the receipt option in this mode.
Express Mail gives u a tracking number whose status can be access online or over the phone ....

so u can always print out the status as the delivery confirmation ...
it also has the name of the person who received it ....


When did you fax in the re-affirmation letter ? On the 8th right ? And your P3 was also created on the 8th ? Please let us know.
Question for targetgc

Did NVC send your lawyer a letter asking whether you want to go through CP or AOS and did the lawyer had to send it back? I\'ve just talked to an operator at NVC this morning and she told me that the letter was sent to my lawyer on 12th. She said that once they receive the reply from my lawyer, they will create/send out P3 within 2-4 weeks, which sounds like a long time.

Looking at your dates, your case seems like it went through pretty smoothly and I was wondering if you have to go through this extra step or not. She told me that even if you indicated that you want to go CP on I-140, if you are living in the US currently you (or your lawyer) will receive this letter to verify that you really want to go CP.

Please let us know how your case went through NVC. Thanks!!
I 140 AD 01/11/02 NVC recieved date 04/03/02 Case created on 04/17/02

When can I expect Packet3
to answer questions about the letter faxed to nvc, I faxed it on April 5th, the day the operator tol

They created P3 on 8th . They made it clear to me that it was ok for the FAX to come from ME and not lawyer. So I suggest you call the operator and then fax the letter rt away saying you want to consular process.

My lawyer sent P3 yesterday by Priority mail . It should reach on Thursday. I could not do anything for having it sennt by Express mail.
im9999i read somewhere that your P3 reached NVC on April 12. So when is your review likely to be don

Going by the trend i gusss it takes around 18-21 days. my review may start around 30 and go till may 20 ? i hope i can make July !
I am expecting it by 4/30 or 5/1 ... lets hope !!!!

u should take 30 days from the date u sent it to St. Louis ... this is a good approx.

All the best !!
targetgc, about the fax you sent to NVC...

Is there a particular format that the letter has to be in? What do you have to write in the letter? What is their fax number? If you could tell me the detail that\'ll be great. It\'s very hard for me to make a long distance call during the day and I don\'t know if I will be able to talk to NVC operator very soon.

Thank you so much for your help in advance and I hope your process will go smoothly from now on.
hi targetgc

Please explain whole procedure about faxing letter to NVC
What shold we talk to operator before faxing the letter
your help is greatly appreciated.please reply as soon as
possible.till now my case is not created.Can i send fax now?
targetgc, my lawyer had sent the fax on 4/11

NVC\'s system showing same story that they have sent the letter.
We just used ordinary letter. What Fax# did u used???

targetgc please clarify my question

What is that fax about my case was created at NVC yesterday, do I need to send NVC fax saying that I would like to go for CP. Approx when can I expect my packet 3
Mitsy:what is the confirmation letter

NVC is really thinking up new stuff all time. I just sent out my pak3 2 days ago and my 140 was approved feb 26 1.5 months to get pak3. My lawyer said bombay is getting dates more quickly
The letter has been sent to my lawyer

on April 12. Hopefully they\'ve replied to it by now. What the operator I talked to told me was that my lawyer has to reply saying that I want to go CP. She said I couldn\'t reply to it.

Anyway, all I know is that this extra step has caused my case to take even more time than ever. By the time they create my P3 and send it out, it\'ll be May and I have to follow the new procedure, which I need to send my P3 to St. Louis, not directly to consulate. That\'s just really disappoints me.
My packet3 reached NVC on April 10

pkt3 sent to st.loius on March29.
Nvc recieved pkt 3 from st.loius on April 10