Tracker for I140 through NIW Jan 2002


Registered Users (C)
As there is no tracker for I140 approval for NIW category, lets update our info to get an idea of how long is it taking to get approved

Mine details are
Center: VSC
Still waiting

Waiting patiently. I dont know how much time NIW cases are taking but it looks like an average of about 2 months

I did not know how to go about it and its best to do a good job the first time. But I am still waiting for the results. What about you. Do you know whats happening with the NIW dates. The last one to be approved was Johnleee (12/14 ND). Any latest updates ??
Johnlee is the latest NIW

I also used a lawyer. but somehow it sucks as didnt give proper service.

EB2 NIW; Phd, 5-6 publications, 2 conferences abstract, post doc at big univ in biomedical eng. 5 recommendations (Phd advisors recommendation not included in the package, not good).
Used lawyer.
what else you guys would like to know.

Could you tell me among the five recommendations, how many of them are independent reviewers, i.e., do not know you or worked with you before?

How did you prepare the recommendations? Someone told me that those letters should be sealed and addressed to INS. Is it true?

Does your 5-6 publications refer to journal papers? And what is the agency that supports your research.

Very appriciated.

Hi Diabig
Congratulations.I got an RFE for my case. Dont know what it is about yet. I have sent a pvt msg to you.
Thank you.

I withdraw my NIW application.(My lawyer did) I do not like to reply REF. And I do not know what kind RFE.

how many of them are independent reviewers, i.e., do not know you or worked with you before?

Out of five, three I have worked with. And two I knew with the contacts.

How did you prepare the recommendations? Someone told me that those letters should be sealed and addressed to INS. Is it true?

My lawyer provided me with the sample letters. and I have actually given them to my referees. Who modified them according to my research and background. And they mailed me back open and i mailed them to the lawyer. So I dont think INS care about the open or close, only thing they care is it should be on official letterhead.

Does your 5-6 publications refer to journal papers? And what is the agency that supports your research?
Yeah all of them are in journal, actually had only three published one accepted and couple of them in review. part of My phd research was with NIH.