Tracker for CONFIRMED August Interviews - Mumbai Consulate

CGNY cannot find my passport submitted for PCC!

I'am in a real soup!

I just called CGNY to inquire about our passports (my wives and mine) that we had submitted for PCC on May 15th. They say that they have my wives passport but cannot find my passport or my application form!

I had sent both our passports in the same FedEx envelope with individual cover letters and individual money orders.

The person asked me to call on Monday and check back.

I am really tensed up! Has something like this happened before? What could I do? I'am hoping they can find it by Monday.
Worst case, what are my options?
you have one month to go... so check if u can get a new passport on urgent basis. Hope u have made copies of passport before you sent it for PCC.
Re: Lost passport

Right.. manFriday.. I would suggest moving fast. Along with the new passport issue, remember you still have an unprocessed PCC application..
August Interview Dates Published.

Mumbai consulate has Published the August Interview Dates on it's Website.
Mumbai Dates...

Thanks Vijay for the info.. Looks like Mumbai has scheduled 1131 IV cases for August, a little lower than their usual load of around 1500 with 131 E cases (12 E1 58 E2 61 E3)..
Lost Passport...found

Thanks Guys for your help.

NYCG just called me saying that they do have found my passport and will be sending it out shortly.

The reason for the confusion was that I had my passport renewed recently from NYCG and for these cases they do not have to wait for an approval from India. So there was no new case file created and my PCC was ready in a day but they did not send it out since they were waiting for my wife's PCC approval. And for some reason it may have remained at the bottom of the stack and they could not find it earlier.

Anyways, thats a great relief! The staff at NYCG were pretty courteous and helpful as well.
Bringing it top!!!


I think there are no issues left to discuss in this forum and everybody is set for the interview. Well, sent my and family's passports for transit visa to france consulate since we'll be 'TRANSIT'ing thru Paris.
Airport Transit visa for France/Paris...?

Do Indian citizens need an airport transit visa for France/Paris even if they have a valid US visa ?

I spoke to the Delta airlines and they said that we do not need to have a French transit visa.
The French consulate web site also states this. (

I haven't had a chance to call the French consulate as yet.

Does anyone have any concrete information?

Break journey in Europe

I am going to stop in Europe for about a week on my way back. I believe it should not matter. Anyone know of any contradicting experience?
Airport Transit visa for France/Paris...?

Got an email from French Consulate...

"check expiration date of your visas,
if expired before your dates of travel , you should apply for an airport transit visa"
Transit visa - Paris

Yes, If your stamped visa has expired then you need transit visa. I talked to the lady at consulate and thats what she told me.
Re: P4 anybody?

Originally posted by kashur
Anybody received P4 yet?

I just had a call from my lawyer that the P4 got here.. She is going to fax it (instructions + appointment letter) to me in a few minutes.. If anyone has questions about it, I'll be happy to answer.
received P#4

Just got email form my lawyer that she received packet 4. waiting for further information.
Re: Re: P4 anybody?

Originally posted by Moulin Rouge

I just had a call from my lawyer that the P4 got here.. She is going to fax it (instructions + appointment letter) to me in a few minutes.. If anyone has questions about it, I'll be happy to answer.
Hi Moulin
When you get the list can you please post/send the list of docs needed in order, as per P4.
Got transit visa for Paris

If anybody trying to get transit visa for France, all you have to do is print application form from and send copies of tix, h1b and original passpost along with complete application. You can use your credit card for the payment. You'll get visa in 1 day.