Track ND 08/00


Registered Users (C)
Let\'s count approvals or waitings of ND 08/00

Mine RD: 07/20/00 ND:08/03/00, FP:12/00, EB2, INDIA, RIR ... no news yet

Called IIO June 15th. She told to wait 30 to 45 days. I\'ll try after 30 days from then.
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Didn\'t we have a couple other threads tracking Aug \'00 cases ?
In any case, my details are :

PD: 6/30/99, RD: 07/31/00, ND: 08/16/00, FP: 11/29/00
No news yet. Never called IIO.

Chalu Dude (formerly known as chal_phut).
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you are right. I started earlier a thread but people were attracted to some info seekers with 08/00 approvals who never gave details. It is unfortuanate that we have people who don\'t want to give info but only take.
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Did anyone talk to IIO recently? PLease post your experience with IIO.