Track Local Transfers for MN


Registered Users (C)
I see that there are lots of local transfers in MN. So, I am starting this thread to share information for those whose case has been transferred to local office in MN.

My case detail.

RD 10/23/00
ND 11/06/00
1st FP 3/2?/01
RFE 12/12/01 (BC)
RFE Response received 1/09/02

Nothing after that, no updates in AVM. Went to local INS to extend my AP and was told that my case is in their office and will be handled by local Office (3rd week of April 02).

Then I got a letter from Local INS in MN for FP for me only (no request for my wife\'s FP). Early May of 02 (about 14 months from first FP).

2nd FP done on 5/14/02 for me only.

On the same day my wife gets another RFE from local INS asking proof that I have adjusted (what a dumb RFE, they cannot even look up my case. Her case is a derivate case and there are pointers to my file all over the place). This indicates that my wife\'s case has somehow got separated from mine.

Will be responding to the RFE this week and waiting for local office to tell me what the next step is for me following my 2nd FP.

On more investigation it was learnt the case was transferred to local INS on 2/14/02.

Anyone got an interview date... from local INS in MN so far. How long did it take following local transfer to get an interview date. Also, please share your experience of interview. Also, anyone else who had a local transfer got a request for FP or an RFE.


and Good Luck
A much needed one


My RD is Oct 2001. I have got my FP done on 05/07. I presume there are good number of ppl from MN waiting for their respective cases. Though am not looking at my case being transferred. Still me ready to be a part of this thread.

Xfer to MN - Approved without interview

Friend of mine, whose case got transferred on March 3rd week of 02 had his case reviewed by Bloomington INS office on May 13th 02 and approved on May 15th 02 (WITHOUT INTERVIEW) . His PD was Jun 00.

Will ask him to post this good news with all of you on this board ( may be he is too busy celebrating).
Case Xfer to MN on Apr26th, RD 07/02 Got Xfer notice, Waiting for Interview.

How long does it take to get an interview at MN, any idea? Is there any Phone number to find the case status?.
Hey MN-Lucky

It will be great if you can ask your friend to post more details. I have heard many rumors, but this would be the first actual case that I would come across that had a local transfer and was approved WITHOUT an interview. Can you also find out if the passport stamping was done in the Bloomington office or the St. Paul office where FP happens but supposedly has been upscaled to handle Passport Stamping.

Also, did they request any more documents or they approved without any further documents.

No Phone Numbers - typically

3-4 months to do initial review and then another month for an interview to be scheduled

I have already asked him to repoort this good news. He said he will do it soon after the stamping. His case was approved without any interview at all. You may look up his details under "MN-Star" i guess. Just sit tight .....our turn is coming..My review at Bloomington INS is scheduled for June 2nd week.

Typically you get this info from your attorney. I am closely following this with my attorney and i guess INS bloomington office has one day reserved for attorney enquiry....Hence my feedback from my attorney....Hope this helps.....

MN-Lucky Any News on your Local Transfer

Hey MN-Lucky
Was wondering if you have heard anything on your local transfer case.

Nothing on my end as yet.

Any news from your friend who got approved without interview in MN. Did he go to the St. Paul FP office for stamping or to the Bloomington Local Office.

Keep in touch.
Transferred to Local INS - MN

My case along with my spouse case got transferred to local INS on March 13th 2002 (suppose to be my I-485 approve date as per NE dates). After a week from march 13th i got a mail from NE explaining that my and spouse case got transferred and from now onwards Local INS will follow your case.Later i contacted and visited local INS office to know about the earliest dates to open my case , they told it will take another 2 months. Before opening of my file i got a mail from INS to go for FP again (which i took on July 13th 2001), then i got confused and called to Local INS agent , and suggessted to not to go for that because FP\'s are still active (will be active for 16 months from the date for given). After May 15th (suppose to open my file in local INS) again received a mail from INS to submit my employment letter (RFE) along with soupuse(if she is also working). I thought of sending immediately but when i called my Lawyer, she told me that, this is un-usual case they (INS) should not ask for employment letter at this time more over from Local INS, so she want to take the responsibility to send the reply to RFE to Local InS with some covering letter. At last after 10 days (May 28th) , lawyer mailed to lOcal ins with required letters.

And yesterday (06/15/02) my spouse only received a letter from Local in INS with GOOD NEWS to visit for interview(even i don\'t know it is interview or something else)on July 5th o fill up I-89. Still I am waiting for my approval from Local INS. :( Eagarly waiting for that, wish me good luck frineds.
Hi RAj Titto, Wish you all the best, , Hope you may be getting interview notice today.

By the way, give me contact phone number of MN INS office. Please update your case once you have interview. What is I-89 ? Thanks in advance.
Raj- I guess I-89 refers to "plastic Card"

Be happy. My guess is that your wife\'s 485 i sapproved (because of I-89 mention in the letter). Don\'t worry much, atleast it is not a interview. My other frined in MN also had very simillat I-89 isssue and his attorney told me "congratulations" ;-) Hope you get the meaning...I too was transferred on the same day as your to MN. Lemme see what happens to my case...
Raj- I guess I-89 refers to "plastic Card"

Be happy. My guess is that your wife\'s 485 i sapproved (because of I-89 mention in the letter). Don\'t worry much, atleast it is not a interview. My other frined in MN also had very simillat I-89 isssue and his attorney told him "congratulations" ;-) Hope you get the meaning...I too was transferred on the same day as your to MN. Lemme see what happens to my case...
What should do if not avaliable on the interview day ?

My case was approved back to 3 months ago, wife\'s case was transferred to local INS at MN, the lawyer said her case was reviewed on June 5th, but we have not receive any updated news yet, since it is very likely to have the scheduled interview during this summer -- end of July to mid of August, my wife won\'t be available during this period, can we postpone the it or what, will it jeopardize the process?
Got my interview letters

Just received our interview letter scheduled for last week of July. It is very simple letter asking us t o be present on so & so date with I-94,PP, EAD & Driv Licence. Nothing more. I was surprised to see just these documents they asked us to bring. Anyone knows anything else to take it for interview inspite of above mention by INS. comments welcome !!!!!

Will keep you all posted with the developments.
Good luck for the interview.

Better you take all the documents you have with you. Mainly Employment letter,W2s,paystubs and tax returns etc., please let us know once you finish your interview.