Track 140 PP (If more than 15 days still no responce)


Registered Users (C)
Please post your case details if you are waiting for more than 15 days after applying/upgrading 140 to Premium.

Case Detail
140 Premium Processing RD 12-Oct, Check cashed, last LUD 16OCT, no reponce after that

Sub Labour EB2 May 2000
140/485/EAD/AP : RD 09-Jan-2006
140 AD ???? LUD 07/15
485 AD ???? LUD 08/08,08/09,08/10
EAD AD ???? No Lud
AP AD ???? LUD 07/15
Finger Printing : 08/09
Per the PP rules, you should be reimbursed while the USCIS is still required to process your application under PP.
You should have received a special phone number and an email address for your PP. Use that phone number and your recept to ask for reimbursement, that will get them thinking.

Before all that, make sure that your lawyer (if you have one) hasn't received all the stuff you've been waiting for without telling you anything.