(TR) Transfer of Residence- Lose your Green Card?


New Member
We are currently living in the US as Permanent Residents (GC thru employment). I have an opportunity to work on a project involving travel to India for a couple of years. I will be traveling with a request to re-enter permit which will be valid for 2 years.

I'm planning on shipping all our house hold items and utilize Transfer of Residence in India.

If we temporarily move to India on Transfer of Residence, even though intending to live in US as permanent residents upon return, will this cause any problems in terms of continuing to be permanent residents? I just want to make sure that by transferring residence to India for customs purpose, it doesn't automatically mean that we are abandoning residence in US thus losing our Green Cards and result in denial of re-entry to US.

Thank you.
commifused said:
We are currently living in the US as Permanent Residents (GC thru employment). I have an opportunity to work on a project involving travel to India for a couple of years. I will be traveling with a request to re-enter permit which will be valid for 2 years.

I'm planning on shipping all our house hold items and utilize Transfer of Residence in India.

If we temporarily move to India on Transfer of Residence, even though intending to live in US as permanent residents upon return, will this cause any problems in terms of continuing to be permanent residents? I just want to make sure that by transferring residence to India for customs purpose, it doesn't automatically mean that we are abandoning residence in US thus losing our Green Cards and result in denial of re-entry to US.

Thank you.

As long you got a re-entry permit everything is fine. Just make sure you come back here in US to renew your re-entry permit. I used a Re-entry permit for 4 times already 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999. Everytime i entered here in US by using my re-entry permit before my re-entry permit expire. The immigration officer ask me what is the purpose why i am in another country. I said i am studying there. They let me in.
Do the Transfer of Residence on one name - meaning either you or your spouse. When you go get your stuff in India at the Container Corporation of India, go only with one passport (either yours or spouse). Only one is sufficient, dont go with both of them and give an opportunity for entries to be made on both passports.
I don't think reentry will be an issue at all with TR, if it is which is extremely unlikely you can always tell USCIS that you are using the TR clause only to reduce taxes, which otherwise would have been very high.
The two years you spend in India might delay your citizenship (if that is something you need).
