Totally off topic.. for CA residents


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Here is a totally off topic question for those who live in California. This is about California Vehicle code dealing with traffic rules.

1. At a metering light the guy in front of my jumps the red light. can I go thru when I get his green?

2. Should one come to a complete stop at a metering light or is it OK to just roll along along until you get green?

3. What is the protocol to follow when a right only lane at a junction has a red light AND a YIELD sign?
Thanks JoeF, I sensed that if any one will reply to this it would most likely be you!

The metering light I run into every day is not sensor controlled but rather time controlled and the time probably varies based on the traffic on the freeway ahead. I am able to just time my rolling toward the white line and can just speed up when I get my green. My question is, is this legal?