too may inquiries


Registered Users (C)
Locked out of the website for unspecified limit of time
Tried to look for pending cases for I-485 and made around 150 enquiries.
When will this lock be lifted and also I am able to log into my account and see
touchdates but nit access case info online.
Also will phone enquiry be locked out too ?

:D Frustration! ?!? Yeah, I also used to keep checking the INS web site once 30 minutes! my collegue used to laugh at me! just recalled... going home with little humor!!
Get ready. If you see some suspicious people in black hats outside
your residence then probably they are Feds waiting to knock on
your door.
should lift off in a couple of days

i had the same thing happen to me - they lock out your IP address. They look mine off in about 36 hours....
desi-bartender said:
Get ready. If you see some suspicious people in black hats outside
your residence then probably they are Feds waiting to knock on
your door.

Ya, these are the only people (who did too many inquiries) they need to find out to connect all the dots. :rolleyes:
chaitalipunit said:
Locked out of the website for unspecified limit of time
Tried to look for pending cases for I-485 and made around 150 enquiries.
When will this lock be lifted and also I am able to log into my account and see
touchdates but nit access case info online.
Also will phone enquiry be locked out too ?

Don't worry, your case in not locked. They just logged the IP address of your proxy/gateway. Telephone should work fine (unless they lock your phone number using caller ID :( ). Try to shutdown your DSL/cable/dial-up modem for few hours. Once it's up again hopefully it will get a new IP address. Then you should be able to check case status again.
Shutting the cable modem or DSL modem will not work. In lot of cases the
equipment gets IP which do not change for months. My IP address expires
almost every 4-5 months. And I have both DSL and cable modem. Same
behaviour on both of them.
desi-bartender said:
Shutting the cable modem or DSL modem will not work. In lot of cases the
equipment gets IP which do not change for months. My IP address expires
almost every 4-5 months. And I have both DSL and cable modem. Same
behaviour on both of them.

That depends how your internet service provider's DHCP server works. Sometimes server recycles the numbers and some keep incrementing the numbers until wrap over.
pralay said:
That depends how your internet service provider's DHCP server works. Sometimes server recycles the numbers and some keep incrementing the numbers until wrap over.

I'm not sure but I remember I saw an option on my router that provided me an option to use a different macaddress/macid. Some routers give this option, try changing it a bit and you might get a new IP Address.
rk4gc said:
I'm not sure but I remember I saw an option on my router that provided me an option to use a different macaddress/macid. Some routers give this option, try changing it a bit and you might get a new IP Address.

It's possible. I have seen some server that uses macaddress to determine what IP address it should get. Don't know how to change the macaddress though.