To Scotgirl:


Languages spoken Dublin/Ireland are as follows.

English, Gaelic, Irish, Scots and Shelta, They also have a Irish Sign Language.

(Info Stolen form an Irish Web site)

;) :p :D :D :D
calgal, Scotgirl & patienceGC

If I am not mistaken, in Florida when there are 2 contestants competing for the same Pagent, and both have equal points.

Then they Have Wet shirt competetion :D :D :D

Ok Before anyone jumps on me for this, remember I said In Florida.:D :D :D
Sorry, not wet t-shirt contests for me. Very glad I don't live in Florida :)

To whoever asked, I am a true Scot - born and bred. Moved to the US 5 years ago.
july 16

Tula GC lowkar milnaar, he aamchi sagle lokanche praathna aaahe. Mumbai jaaoon majha saathi ek "Old Monk" geyoon yee :D :D :D :D

Our prayers are with you and definitely u will get ur GC soon and do get me "Old Monk" from Bombay.

One more Bombayite...:)
so we have

Girish Rajput

and... me of course all missing our good ol' ' B'bay' .....

Yeah Girish my sentiments too abt the name change

Another Bombayite

I'm from Bombay too.

I agree Girish, I can't think of it as Mumbai, even though my Dad's family was hard core 'Punekari'.

Anyone from South Bombay? I graduated Eons ago from HR.
Hello Fellow Bombayites

Santacruz, Bombay here. Couldn't help responding here. (I generally don't respond to non immigration related mails).
Th number one thing about Bombay I still miss.... Zooming on my bike on the roads at Worli Sea Face and Marine Drive and ofcourse the Old monk was a favorite of mine as well, got used to bacardi now though.
Hey here is an old one for all the Hrites

Why is HR called the most outstanding college in bombay?

Answer: Coz everyone is always standing out....:D :D :D
Hey here is an old one for all the Hrites

Why is HR called the most outstanding college in bombay?

Answer: Coz everyone is always standing out....:D :D :D

For all those desi's who miss old monk. I found some at a shopright next our place. Dont know is any other places have it.
Glad to see so many Mumbaikars or Bombayites in this forum...

So guys....where from in mumbai ?

Me from Prabhadevi

Been quite some time since I have spoken marathi here.Damn ...miss Bombay (oops "amchi mumbai") :)