To reapply or not to reapply


Registered Users (C)
I need some advise please.I have an approved NIW with EAD through it.Have completed 2 years in HPSA area ;have 3+ years to go for GC.I also applied for PERM in the meantime and just got to know it got denied...because of a very lame reason....and now the ads etc are useless as well;my friends are advising me to reapply ,but,considering the time frame to GC though NIW v/s PERM(esp with the EB2 priority date ) v/s ad expenditure etc for PERM is it worth re venturing into PERM or I should just sit with the NIW? Another person said you should have both as a backup for confused kindly giuide.
they tried calling up my employer at the clinic to confirm that he was in business and that he had actually filed the application at a time when he was on 3 weeks vacation,though the DOL tried 3 timesto contact him via telephone and since they couldn't verify thru him so denied it!!Just hard luck man.....